Chapter 20

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Hi guyss!! A massive thank you for all the sweet messages and comments. You make it so much more fun to write. I will continue writing this story and if all of you are in, there will be a sequel! I'm not gonna tell anything about that yet because that will be a huge spoiler :-) I'm going to try out a different style of writing because idk. So this is my first chapter, and it wont be writtin in someone's POV. I'm gonna try writing it as a story teller. So comment down below if you like it and else I'll go write in POV again, or maybe i will just do both, as long as its not confusing. Just let me know okay?.

It's very early when Theo's alarm goes off, at least that is what Laura thinks. She groans before turning around to face her boyfriend. She still finds it unreal that he is hers. Theo gives her a little kiss on her forehead before he leaves his bed to take a shower. Laura closes her eyes again and memories of last night flash trough her mind. She never plannend any of this to happen. Falling in love is always weird, but she never excpeted that it would be so fast. That feeling, in your stomach, it's amazing. But being in love is weird. Laura didn't noticed she had almost fall asleep again until Theo walks out of the bathroom, only a towel around his hips. Even this feels different, for the both of them. Theo never had such a strong feelings before, and seeing his girlfriend like this. He finds everything perfect about her, and he knows she isn't. But to him she is. "Wants some breakfast babe?" Theo asks. "No thank you I'm good. Please let me sleep." she mocks and Theo smiles. He has an hour before his friends Ansel and Shailene will be here so he makes a quick breakfast, before he goes to Laura again. She is playing a game on her phone when Theo lays down next to her. Laura giggles when she feels his arms on her bare legs and she put down her phone. Her small hands, compared to Theo's, on his chest. She can feel his heartbeat, rising up. She still makes him nervous. Laura lays closely against Theo and she looks up into his eyes, those gorgeous brown eyes. Theo smiles at her before he pushes his lips sofly on hers. The kiss is sweet and soft but they both know that won't be for to long. So Theo breaks the kiss and gets out of bed. "I gotta go babe, I'm sorry." he says and gives her a small kiss before he leaves her alone.

"Why is he always so late?" Shailene says in an annoying tone. Ansel and Shailene are waiting in the lobby of their hotel, waiting for Theo. "Since he is with, that.. thing he complete bails on us." "No I'm not, and thank you for calling my girlfriend, a thing." Theo says as he walks towards his friends. He has noticed by now that Shailene actually likes him and dislikes his girlfriend. Shailene makes a noise between someone who's angry and someone who's sad before she gets up and walks towards the exit. "Don't mind her, she is just in a bad mood." Ansel says while walking after her.

The drive towards the set is filled with awkward silence. Shailene is sitting in the front seat while Theo and Ansel are in the back, on their phones. The feelings Shailene has are mostly hate, hate for that girl. But she is also sad, because she doesn't find herself good enough. She had been fantasising of all the things she and Theo could do. When she asked him out and he said yes, everything was fine. But if they would just stay at their hotel that night, they might not even have seen each other. She lets out a deep sigh and plugs her earpods in before closing her eyes.

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