Chapter 18

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Laura's POV

After spending the day at the beach the girls, Theo and I decide to go back to our hotel. In the lobby we separate from Theo and the girls and I get to our rooms. I go with Anne and tell her what happened with Theo. Well, what happened with me while looking at him. Anne listens closely and smiles when I describe how I feel.

But then the hardest part has to come yet.

"So um.. Anne listen. I swear I never meant any of this to happen but Theo asked me out and I really want to go because from tomorrow on I wont see him that much and have all the time for you, is that okay with you?" I ask insecure and she laughs.

"Go on, go get dressed and make fun. I'll tell Cayley." She says and I hug her tight, this girl is amazing.

I quickly go to my room and take a shower. I wash my hair and body but I still can feel that gross sea water.

My thoughts are all with this afternoon how I felt what I felt when I looked at him. It was such a great feeling. Could this mean I am actually falling in love? While making myself ready this is the only thing I can think about. This is all so new to me. Honestly I'm that type of girl who loves to go out and hook up but this feeling is so much better.

The mirror in the bathroom is big enough to see my full self so after I did everything I'm now looking at the result.

Wearing a tight black dress with my vans and having my hair curled I'm ready to go.

I grab my purse and walk to the lobby where he is already waiting for me. He hugs me before we walk outside and get a taxi.

"Where are we going?" I ask him and he smiles.
"Not gonna tell you, it's a surprise." He says and I laugh. He's so sweet.

The drive doesnt take long and then I see where we stopped. Freaking Nando's. Oh my god.

I start laughing and kiss his cheek when we enter Nando's. I freaking missed this place honestly.

I order what I always do and Theo does the same. While eating the food Theo speaks up.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Why did you tell Shailene to stay away from me?" He says and I drop my fork out of shock.

"She said that?" I ask, not believing my ears.
"Yep, she came to my room all upset that you said that and after that you went to talk with this guy or something." he says and I can feel my blood boil.

"Listen, here is my side of this story, it's up to you what you believe. I was waiting for the girls in the lobby and I was reading this magazine. Then she came towards me and she talked to me and at the end she told me to stay away from you. Not the other way around. And that guy was nothing really I swear." I say and sigh.

Shailene is pretty much getting annoying.

"Okay I believe you. I know Shai likes me but I don't like her I like someone else okay?" He says and I smile.

"So, do I know this amazing girl you fancy?" I joke and he smiles.

"Probably yes. I think she is the prettiest girl from London, and once she came down from her height, at the highest point of London. That was great." He says and I choke in my drink and laugh.

Such a pervert.

"So do you want to get out of here?" He asks and I nodd. So Theo is calling a waiter and pays the bill. He grabs my hand when we walk outside. Were close to the beach so we decide to go for a walk before we go back to the hotel.

The sun is setting at this point and the view is gorgeous. Theo and I sit down in the sand and I lay my head on his shoulder.

I could do this everyday. This is so much better than going out and getting drunk. To be with the one person you love. Love? Do I love him? I think I do, yes. I watch the sun go down and just here, this gorgeous view with the most amazing man in the world. It's perfect.

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