Chapter 17

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Theo's POV

As Laura and I are on our way back I think of the things she told me. How she did not look at me. It kind of broke me but I hope she will get over it.

"So you have any plans for today?" I ask her.
"Um, not really I guess just hanging with Cayley and Anne." She replies.

Were sitting in the backseat of the taxi and there is this awfully silence.

I want to take her out today but that wouldn't go on with the " We take it slow " thing..

"What about you?" She asks. Looking outside the window.

"Nothing, really." I say but then my phone rings. Ansel.

"Hey mate!"
"Dude! Where are you?" He yells trough the phone.

"Almost at the hotel, why?"
"Shai is being dramatic she thinks you went with other girls so I told you you were up early and I don't know man, hurry up." He tells me and I let out a deep sigh.

"Whats wrong?" Laura asks, putting her hand on my leg. I'm on fire immediately.

"Is that Laura?" I hear Ansel say.
"Yes, now keep her busy. Please." I say and then hang up.

"Who was that?" She asks again, looking a bit concerned.

"Oh, well it was Ansel. Shailene was worried about me."' I say and her hand leaves my leg straight away.

"Oh, okay then." She says.

Here we go again..

"Laura? Are you jealous?"
"Then why are you acting like this?" I ask, having trouble to keep myself from laughing. It's so obvious.

"Okay yes I am." She admits and finally looks at me.
"Oh, err well she is gorgeous and smart and you see her everyday and I don't. She is prettier and she -"

Before she finishes I shut her mouth. Putting my own on it. It's sad Laura doesnt see, that for me she is way better than Shailene.

She kisses me back, slowly and passionate. Her hands trembling on my legs.

I break the kiss and look at her. "I like you, not her. Do you believe me?"

"Yea.. Okay."

Laura's POV

As Theo and I said goodbye I walk towards the rooms of the girls. I knock at Cayleys door and Anne opens.

I tell them little about what happened and how we stand but that's all. I certainly do not want this holiday to be all about Theo.

After we decided what we are going to do today, I leave to go change. Today we are going to the beach.

I put on some swimwear and leave to the lobby where I wait for Cayl and Anne. Since they were still in there

I grab one of the magazines there and read a while until I someone takes a seat next to me. I try to ignore the person until it starts talking.

"Hey, Laura right?" The person next to me says and I finally turn to see who it is.

"Yes that's right. You're Shailene right?" I ask while I already know.

"Yea. So you were pretty drunk last night, weren't you?" She says and laughs. I smile when I think about yesterday.

"Yes I was, haha. How about you?" I ask, trying to be interested.

"Nah, I was good. Theo doesn't like girls who get drunk." She says and something in her voice betrays the fact that she is jealous.

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