Chapter 6

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Theo's POV

As I hold her in my arms I feel her heart beat, going really fast. I look down at her while she is sobbing in my shirt. Anne is making tea but to be honest I just want her to leave, I want to be alone with Laura. When I look down at her she says something I never expected her to say. "Will you please spend the night here, with me?" as she said it her cheeks turn red. But I know what she means, not for a make out scene or for whatever dirty thing, she wants me there to feel save. I whisper "Of course."

When Anne left I brought Laura to her bed in bridal style because she fell asleep in my arms. As I reach er room I am full of doubt. Should I change her in her PJs? Or not. It would be really awkward if she'd wake up. But she can't sleep in that. I decide to change her shirt and leave her pants like that. As I pull up her shirt my breathe starts to quicken. She is only wearing a bra and she is so gorgeous. I scan her body and stop at her stomach. She is so perfect. The way she seems so relax and carefree when she sleeps. I quickly put on a shirt before I want to do things I can't do at this moment and lay her down in bed. I pull of my own pants and leave my shirt on. By now it's 1AM and I am exhausted. As I lay down next to her I feel her move and she slowly turns to me. As she open her eyes they immediately meet mine and I can't help the feeling I get now. "Thank you" she whispers as she slowly closes her eyes again, and her fingers finds mine.

After an hour I am still awake and I know by the way Laura is breathing she sleeps again. I just stare at her beautiful face, even though she is asleep she still looks exhausted. With my free hand I go through her hair and play with it. It's weird right? How your life can change in less than 48 hours. I met this girl on a Saturday morning on Internet, and by accident I meet her that same day. Then you kiss her. And it wasn't just a kiss for me, I had never felt anything like that. On a Saturday night you get a text to come to a party which is at her place. And the other night you hold her tight, protecting her against the dark world. She looked so feared, and I wonder if it was just because of what happened. I think this girl has spent years of building a wall around her. She Always smiles the brightest smiles and she gets drunk almost every weekend. Normal teenagers won't do that.

I wonder what she is all hiding. I wonder why she is hiding. But I do know that I want to be the person who will break through her walls. I want to be the person she can cry with, and laugh with. I want to be the person she will trust and get angry with, and at the end, I want to be the person she falls in love with. I can't help my feelings. I know I just met her but I want this girl. I know it is going to be hard, especially because I have to leave when the soccer season ends, but it's going to be hard because she is afraid to trust someone.

I weak up from an annoying noise. I don't know what it is and I want it to stop. I open my eyes to see a beautiful Laura getting ready for.. school? "Why are you up so early?" I ask her as I groan out annoyance. She smiles at me as she answers "I have school?". Oh right. But why is she so happy? I know it's her birthday but she looks so different compared to yesterday night. No way in hell she is going to school tomorrow.

"Laura, you are not going to school today. You need rest." I tell her. She just laughs and shrugs her shoulders and continuous on what she is doing.

"Laura did you hear me? You are not going. It's your birthday and after yesterday you could use some relaxing. Hell no you are going to school today." My voice rises and I try to stay calm, how can she be so relaxed?

"Theo I promise you I am fine." she says and something in her voice betrays her. "No you're not and I'm going to call your school that you are not coming today." And with that I storm out of her room. When i reach the Phone I realise something.. I don't know which school she goes. I turn around to get back to her room as she suddenly jumps on my from behind. "Here, this is the number you have to call." she whispers as she leaves a kiss on my cheek and walks to the kitchen.

After I called Laura's school and told them she is sick I decided to make her breakfast. Once finished I called her downstairs. As she enters the room she is wearing a stripped dress with high heels and she has her hair in a tight pony tail. She just looks so hot. "G-goodmorning." I stutter as I scan her body. "Hey you." she smiles as she sees the breakfast I made.

"You didn't had to do that.." she whispers, but just loud enough for me to hear. "Listen Laura," I start, "It's June 29 and today it's your birthday. We are going to do everything you want because today is your day." I state.

She smiles and nods as she makes her way to the table. We eat our breakfast in silent. I just stare at her and every movement she makes is so fascinating. I love the way she eats her breakfast and the only thing I can do is smile.


"So what do you want to do now?" Laura asks after we did the dishes together. "That's up to you birthday girl, but I made some reservations for tonight so that's someting you cant choose." I tell her. I see in the look in her eyes that she's surprised I did that for her and that makes me laugh. "I want to go to the London Eye." Laura says.

"Perfect, let's go." I say but then I realize I am still only wearing a t shirt. "Erm.. Theo. Maybe you should wear something..." Laura giggles as her cheeks turn red. I grab this change to tease her a little. I take a step closer and say "Why.. I thought you liked it see me this way?" Her eyes fly wide open as she begins to stutter. "Y-y-yea-yeah but -" she starts and she is as red as a tomato and I laugh as I bring my lips up on hers. She gives in immediately and I tease her again by pulling away. She looks shocked and I laugh and peck her lips once more as I am leaving her alone, to change in my outfit, ready to give this girl the best day of her life.

[A/N please read.

okay guys im really really really sorry i didn't update sooner but you know i have a social life too. I love writing this story but this chapter was really hard for me to write trough everything what happened last chapter. I thought about the things I could put in this chapter and I write something that made me cry so I immediately deleted it. I don't want this story to be sad already. I assure you there are going to be sad chapters and I promise you you get to know laura soon.

Don't push me to write because what I all have in mind is in my mind now and its hard to get it on paper. I promise to update sooner this time and remember, dont forget to be awesome.

sorry for my grammar and my spell mistakes i am on my Phone so sowwy.

i love you all. xoxo]

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