Chapter 11

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with this chapter i got inspired by the song Doin' Dirt by Maroon 5...... i skipped a few days. Chapter 10 ended at Wednesday right after her first exam.. lets say its now Friday and Laura just finished her last exam...

Laura's POV

I am done! I am done with school and everything school related. I hug Cayley as we walk out of school, celebrating the fact that we have done it! Or atleast, we hope. We talk about our trip to America and Cayl thinks we should go to Jacksonville, which I totally agree. This weekend will probably be pretty stressfull since I'll get my results on Monday. God I hope I passed. Its a shame Anne is going to another school but it's good to know she can keep up with the girls here.

I Always thought I had planned my future, what I wanted to be, where to live and you say whatever. But the last month has really made me realize that you cant predict your own future, things come and go in life. People change and I have been changed. Maybe it sounds weird to you but I think its time for me to grow up. The weekend with random guys were amazing and I am sure as hell I will never forget about that time. But I think after we come back from America, I will take my life seriously. I just dont have any idea on what to do with my life. I have so many things I like. Okay, I have to tell you a secret now, I love to draw. I really do, and only Anne knows it. And how stupid as it sounds, I'm scared to show it. Anne says I'm really good, and I should do something with it. I have been considering this option for the past week and I think I actually will sign up for the Art Academy in London. I have heard its hard to get in there but it is Always worth a shot right?

Cayl and I take the bus to Nando's where we will meet up with Anne to plan our trip to Jacksonville. The bus is pretty full and finally we find two empty seats. I see an old couple and the good person deep down inside me decides to give the places to the old couple. Cayl looks at me like she wishes I was dead, while she holds herself against something so she wont fall. I laugh out loud, and for the first time since Wednesday, I laugh, really laugh.

Theo's POV

As Ansel and I are on its way to the set I get a tekst, and still I cant help it but hope its her. Sadly its just the director telling us to hurry and I laugh. The last few days were amazing and we already got a lot of good shots. I enjoy it very much and its a good thing to keep my thoughts away from her. Tho, I cant help it to wonder how she is and what she is doing. I hope her exams went well and she is happy. But to be completely honest? I am feeling better and I actually think I can get over her. The little time we had, was actually nothing to get serious. I know if I had stayed we could actually work out, but I cant let a girl come between me and my dreams. I know Laura has dreams too. I have seen her drawings once, when she was in the shower. i wonder why she never talked about it. She is really good and she is amazingly talented.

As I finally wake up out of my daydream Ansel is staring at me with a smirk. "It was her, wasn't it?" he says, and I nod. I have told Ansel a little bit about Laura, like the party and the day in London. I maybe have not told him the things we did in London but he doesnt have to know yet.

After another 15 minutes we finally arrive on set and I'm being send to the make up and hair immediatley. Today we are shooting the Ferris Wheel scene and I cant help but think of Laura. I mean.. the London Eye.. Ferris Wheel..

As I follow Shailene/Tris up to the Ferris Wheel she starts her script. (A/N: NO SPOILERS I JUST MADE THIS UP).

"Are you scared, Four?" Shai whispers, being Tris. I swallow extremely loud and say " No of course not, Laura.."

CUT! the director screams and I can shoot myself right now. Tears well up in my eyes and I bite my tong to hold them back.

"Who is Laura?" Shai asks with a smirk. "Someone." I answer roughly, and push past her.

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