Chapter 2

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Laura's POV

So.. Now I just sit there. Behind my laptop. I still feel excited. This guy was so perfect. We chatted only for 15 minutes but oh gosh I can't even imagine him naked. I save his number and decide to not text him yet, I will let him wait. I go on facebook and search Anne's profile. Sometimes I am really jealous because she has this long brown curly hair and she has a tanned skin. I scroll trough her pictures and mostly I see pictures of me and Anne.. Drunk.. and with strange guys. One I recognize, I thought his name was Brandon but I don't even care. I decide to go back to bed again because I am reallty tired on this Saturday morning, to realise I have a soccer match on 11AM.

I drift off to sleep really fast and for the first time in weeks I don't have a nightmare, I actually enjoy this dream until my alarm goes off. Great it's 8AM and I never been more excited for a game than I am now. I take a quick shower and wash my hair with my coconut scent shampoo. I let my hair dry naturally and I start to prepare myself for the game. I put my iPhone on shuffle and Ariana Grande 'Better left unsaid' begins to play. I relax a bit, I love Ariana Grande she is such a good singer!

At 9AM I am in my car, on my way to Anne's place. I called Anne thousand times but she still doesn't asnwer. This girl has to play with a hangover. When I am in the front of her house I see it's still dark. I knock a few times on the door before I decide to just walk in. I have a key, just like she has mine. She has her own apartment either, not far away from mine.

I already smell the alcohol when i enter the hallway. I go upstairs, straight to her bedroom but it's empty. I kind of start to feel worried and I run downstairs, and there she is. She is strechted on the ground, laying in her own puke. She can't play a game like this and I start to get angry. She has to, she is one of our best players ! And this game is really important ! If we win we will be in the final! It's the end of June so this is or, our last game, or the Final will be the last game of the season. I wake her up, which gives me more puke. I look for a bucket but when I have it she is already back in her own dreamworld. Great, thanks a lot, Anne.

I lift her up, realizing she has lost weight, and bring her to her bed. It's already 9:30AM but I have to be here for my best friend. I change her clothes and clean her house. Leaving a note. You owe me something, call me when you're awake. -xx L

Great, it's already 10AM by the time I enter the field. I see my team is already waiting for me. I see coach Stephen looking angry at me and he shakes his head. Tianna, the best player of our team smiles at me. "Where is Anne?" she asked confused. I shake my head and smile. "Really sick." She nodds and I give her a tight hug, gosh I love this girl. I see Sanne and Lisa too, and I smile when they wave to me. "Okay okay, enough ladies. Get ready you are already late." Stephen screams, mostly looking at me and I just show him my most beautiful smile when we leave to the chancing room.

After a short 10 minutes Stephen is already knocking on our door, luckily I am already in my soccer clothes because Stephen always just comes in, not caring about who is still wearing a bra or who's ready. I put on my shoes when Stephen is talking about how important this game is, blah blah blah. He makes the arrangement known and then it's time to go for a warming-up. When I want to leave the changing room Stephen grabs my arm. "You look so damn good in this uniform." he whispers and I bite my lips. Stephen is hot.

I am team captain because Anne isn't here today and when were making our muscles ready for a rough game, I see our opponents joining. I look at them, they are tall, and some are big. I'm not afraid. I know it's going to be a rough game, but I don't give up before I even started.

I get the girls together and we are talking about a strategy when I see the aribiter and his assistants joining the field. It's time. Stephen, the captain of FC Birningham, and the coach are joining too. Oh did I forget to mention? I'm playing soccer at FC London. I shake hands with the arbiter, the captain of FC Birningham and the coach, who is really familiar to me. Stephen pats me on the back and whispers me in my ear. "Makes those sexy legs work, and I'll pay you back." I blush, when I see the other coach staring at me. I give the girl against me an arrogant look and the game begins.

In the break we are still tie. Alison made one goal and so did FC Birningham. Stephen is in a pretty bad mood but I don't care. I know I'm not focussed enough and that is because of their coach. I recognize him, but I just don't know it anymore. I leave the changing room to grab some air when I see a whole bunch of girls standing around one boy. I walk closer to see what is going on when I see the coach of FC Birningham in the middle. Suddenly Alison is behind me and I ask her what's going on.

"You did not knew that? OMG Laura ! Their coach is Theo James!!" she nearly yells. My bell is ringing, Theo James. I just met Theo James. OMG! I give her a 'explain me' look when she starts to tell what seems a whole life story. "So, he is an actor. He is going to play in Divergent! And you just shook hands with him and you don't know who he is?"

I am shocked. I knew by now he is the guy I spoke this morning, but nobody told me he is a famous actor.

"Nope, I don't." I lie and turn around when I hear someone screaming my name. And there she stands, Anne. "ANNE!" I yell and I run towards her. She is wearing her soccer unifrom and I see she is ready to play. Yay, I got my buddy back. And together we walk towards the field, ready for the last 45 minutes, totally ignoring Theo James.


It is war. One girl kicked Erin and now she is injured. I feel that Anne is back again because I play a lot more better now I have my girl besides me. She gives me the ball and I sprint towards the goal, focussing on one point, but then some bitch is kicking me down. I feel a sting trough my knee until my ankle and I hug the ground now. I scream out loud. Gosh this hurts. In no time Stephen is here with some AID stufs and a bottle of water. He takes care of it while I wipe the tears out of my eyes. I get up when the aribiter tells me I get an penalty kick. I turn around to see the girl who knocked me down and I give her a genuinely evil smile.

I quickly mentally prepare myself and then I take the penalty kick. I made a goal and I see all the girls are running towards me and they are all cheering. Not even 5 seconds later the arbiters blows his whistle and the game is over. I walk toward their captain, especially avoiding their coach, and wish them good luck with upcoming matches.

I start walking of the field, and I am already the last one because my knee hurts like hell, when someone grabs my arm. I turn around and see those perfect brown eyes again. He is even more beautiful in real life.

"What?" I ask arrogantly. Theo smirks.
"You played good." he says. "Oh, ha. Well like you care, you lost did you knew that?" I raise my voice. I am not in the mood for this. I won and now I want to get drunk and I don't care what time it is. Theo is still looking at me when I want to pull my arm out his grip. He only tightens his grip and I give him a really angry look. "Let me go," I hiss.

"Or else?" he shrugs. And I start to laugh, I can't be mad at him. "Nothing, just let me go. I need to go to a doctor to see if my knee is alright." I say, and it isn't a complete lie.

"I'll bring you." I feel my mouth fall open.
"You don't even know me?" I remind him.
"I don't care, you are injured."
"Yes because of one of your girls." I hiss again.
"Yes, so I owe you this. Grab your bag I see you in five." and then he walks away.

What did just happened? I slowly start to walk again and when I enter the changing room it is a mess ! I seek for Anne but I see she's busy talking with Alison and Sanne so I decided I tell Tianna that I am going to visit a doctor and I throw a party tonight at my place.

I quickly leave, and I have no clue where Theo is. I remind myself I have his number and I call him. "Who are you?" he asks seriously.
"Some strange injured stalker." I laugh.
"Oh, okay come behind the parking lot. I'll be there." and he hungs up.

I stumble towards the parking lot and when I passed it I see a big limousine. Theo is hanging against it and he turns me on immediately. I bite my lip and walk towards him. He opens the door and let me in. For the second time today I can only stare. This car his huge. I take a seat on one of the soft sofa's and place my head against the window. Theo sits right next to me and I feel him staring at me.

"You really don't know me, do you?" he asks.
"Nope. I am not interested in movies nor books." I reply.
"Your loss." he smirks. O gosh he better not do that when I'm with him.
"I knew you were a geek, I saw it because of the glasses." Glasses that look really sexy on you, but I won't tell him that.
"What's wrong with a geek?" he asked, pouting.
"Nothing, they are cute or weird." I laugh.
"So, what am I?"
"Neither of them." I'm trying to keep my voice steady but gosh this boy has something I really really want in my mouth.
"Then, what am I?" he ask again.
"O God, Theo!" I scream, "Just shut up and kiss me." I add, desperately.
"You don't have to say that twice." he says before he turns my face with his big hands. He pushes his lips roughly on mine. Firework is exploding in my stomach and I moan. I put my arms around his neck to pull him closer to my body. His hands are traveling down my body and one of my hands has lowered to his chest. I feel his heartbeat. It's going really fast and that turns me on even more. I moan again and this time his tongue slips into my mouth. Again there is fireworks between our lips and my tongue is searching for Theo's. We are fighting for dominace when we hear someone cough. Extremely loud, cough.

I look up and see Theo's driver looking at us with a big smirk.

OMG Thank you guys ! Over the 80 reads in less then a day ! This made me smile ! I want to dedicate this chapter to Tianna, a twitter friend of mine. Tianna when you read this, I love you and stay strong!!!

Please vote and spread, I hope you guys like it.

Whenever you see my story on some other site please inform me. This is my story and if I feel people are stealing it I will stop writing]

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