Chapter 5

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Laura's POV.

This is the first night in months that I haven't had a nightmare. I wake up realizing I'm not alone and I see a sleeping Theo next to me. It was so nice to have him next to me, not having a nightmare.

Theo seems relaxed. I giggle by the thought of our little moment last night and that people had to ruin that. I want to get out of bed when someone grabs my wrist and I turn around to see Theo smiling at me. "Morning beautiful." Oh my god, his voice raspy and heavy makes my stomach flutter. "M-morning Theo." I stutter and my cheeks flush. "Stay in bed." he groans. I giggle and I cuddle into his chest. "I have homework, Theo." I whisper and I hear him giggle. "Homework is for silly's." Well thank you Theo. I give him an ' angry look ' when I get out bed. "What time is it?" Theo asks. I search for my clock without succes. " I don't know I'm sorry." I say and I hear Theo laugh. "Well, seems were living in a timeless world come back, babe." he whispers. The way he calls me babe makes my knees go weak. I decide it doesn't hurt to stay in bed for a while I guess as I slip under the sheets.


I open my eyes again, my breathing is heavy and I realize I had a nightmare. I quickly turn around to look for Theo but he is nowhere to be seen. I wipe my tears away and I start to think about the dream. It's always the same one. My dad, screaming to me that I'm useless, not worth fighting for. My mom who stands up for me but get beaten up by my dad. And at the end my dad kills my mom. I now realize the tears are unstoppable. I miss my mom. I miss her so much. She died when I was 9 years old. Yes, because of my dad. Ever since my dad is in jail. I hate him, he has never been a real dad for me.

~ Flashback 10 years ago ~

I wake up, my mommy calling me to get up for my first day at my new school. I'm really nervous but mommy says it will al be alright. I don't know why we moved out at daddy's. Mommy told me something that daddy was mean to her. That's not nice. My mommy and I still live in London but now somewhere else. I run downstairs to find my mommy making some toast in the kitchen. "Goodmorning, sweatheart." My mommy says. " Hi mommy!" I smile. I take a seat on our new table and take a look at our new house. "Mommy?" I whisper. " Yes, sweetheart?" I swallow the lump that's in my throat and ask her " Will you leave too, like dad?" A tear escapes my eye as I see my mommy's look. " No sweetheart, of course not. " she says. And I nodd.
~ end of flashback ~

So, that's a bit of my youth. I'm not ready to tell you the rest but I will, someday. Someday you will know the reasons why I am who I am today. But I can tell you, I always was the one who got bullied.

I decide to wash my face and get out of my bed. Put my messy blonde hair into a bun and wear a thank top with a simple pair of shorts. I grab my phone. One new text message from Stephen, o gosh.

I'm sorry, love. I really am. I hope we can finish where we were.. - xx S ;)

I decide to text him back.

Walk straight to hell, ' love '. - L

I smile by myself knowing he would hate this text. I know I have to see him on Tuesday for practice, but it's nice to know that I don't have to join anymore. It also made me realize that I'm going to quit soccer. 1) Because the injury. 2) Because of Stephen. 3) School.

When I enter the living room it smells delicious. I enter the kitchen and see three hot boys coocking. "Morning." I say. "Morning Laura!" they scream. I laugh. "What's this all about?" I laugh, looking at the food. "Well, Erin told me tomorrow is your birthday." Niall says with a smile. I feel my mouth slowly fall open. It's true my birthday is tomorrow. Tomorrow I turn 20 and I totally forget about it. "Oh." Is al I can say. So there are three random strangers in my house making me breakfast because tomorrow is my birthday. "Yeah.." Jason says.

"Well, it's nice that you make me breakfast guys." I say with a huge smile. " Oh sweetheart, it's your dinner." Theo says. I glance at my clock. 5:34PM. "Fuck.." I say, actually to myself but I think they heard it because they all laugh. "My exams start tomorrow guys! You should have woken me up!" I yell while laughing. Yes that's true, this week is going to be epic, a few more exams and I'm done with college! After college I decided to take a year off, and after that maybe go to UNI. Anne, Erin, Loulou and I are about to buy a house for the four of us. Loulou is one of my friends of school.

I take a seat on the stool behind the table and wait for the boys to ring me my food.

Suddenly my house becomes quiet but then my favorite album, 'Stars dance' by Selena Gomez begins with the song ' Birthday'. I start to laugh, oh these boys really know how to make a girl happy.

After an delicious meal the boys decide to leave. "Thank you, so much guys!" I say with a huge grin. "No, thank you! " Jason says. "For..?" I ask nervously. "We, staying the night." Niall says. I nod and smile, " Yea no problem guys." I hug Niall and Jason as they walk away, leaving me and Theo in an awkward silence.

"So.." Theo says.
"Yuppp.." I answer. Then in one eye blink Theo has his lips smashed on mine. I gasp for air but I immediately kiss him back. We are in the moment until someone interrupts us. "Theo, paparazzi." Niall hisses. Within seconds Theo pulls away and I'm in shock. "Text me later babe." he says as he leaves.


I grab my study books and try to study. After 3 hours I decide to put them away. I have a good feeling about this. I decide to text Loulou and Iris, my friends at school to come over.

Hi girls, wanna come over for a study session? - xx L

In no time I got two texts back

Iris : On my way - xx I

Loulou : I'm on it girl! - xx Lou

I smile and walk to the kitchen, making three cups of tea, and some popcorn when the doorbell rings. Must be Lou, she lives the nearest. I walk to the door and see Lou. Her brown curls up in a bun and wearing a cute flowered dress. "Hi!" we say at the same time and laugh. I let her in and five minutes later Iris is there too. We make little quizzes for each other and after another few hours I see it's 10:47PM already. "Hey I should going, my parents expect me to be home at 11.." Iris says as she let out a long sigh. I nod knowing how strict her parents are. " Yea, I should go too." Loulou says.


Since a long time I feel like I have to do something. It's around 11:30Pm now and I'm not even tired. In 30 minutes I will turn 20. I decide to go for a walk. I plug my headphones in as a message pops up. Great my battery is about to die. I ignore the message and lock the door. Music starts to play. I put my iPhone on shuffle and I walk near the lake. I slowly drift off in the music not realizing there are more people over here. Suddenly my music stops and when I get my phone out of my pocket I see it died. I let out a deep sigh as I take a seat on one of the wooden benches. My phone on my lap. I take a look around the lake and this place is really bea-.

My thoughts get interrupted by a group of boys who are now in the front of me. I realize I am only wearing shorts and a thank top and that this is not really good.

"Hey there, beautiful. What does a girl like you alone in here?" A tanned guy with black hair asks. I shrug my shoulders and say: " I just needed a walk that's all." They look at me like I have three heads. " You can go now." I say, my voice a bit shaky.

The boys all start to laugh when one speaks: " Oh, dear but you know you are at our place?" I get of the bench and slowly want to walk away when the black haired guys grabs my wrist. "Let me go." I hiss. "Oh no dear." he says as he take a step closer to me. Those other three boys just stand there with a huge grin on their faces.

I take another step back and another until I reach a tree and I know I'm stuck. The guy puts his index finger underneath my chin and lift it. I look into his eyes and the only thing I see is pure lust.

"What do you want?" I ask, my voice stronger than I thought it would be. "I want you babe." He answers as give me wet kisses on my jaw. I let out a whimper when his lips found mine. I'm fighting against him with no succes. The guy grabs my wrist and I'm totally stuck. The guys tongue slides over my lips as I decide to do something stupid. As hard as I can I bite down his tongue. Immediately he let go of me. I quickly get out of the way and run as hard as I can, my hurting knee ignoring.

"We'll get you later bitch!" I hear as I'm close to my house.

Once I reach my house I grab my key and search for my phone. Dammit. Of course I lost my phone. But there is no way in hell I will get it back. I unlock the door and get inside, immediately locking the door again.

I take a seat on a stool in the kitchen, my breath still heavy as I decide to call Anne. Luckily I have her number on a note laying in the kitchen. After a few seconds she picks up and I immediately start to cry as I explain what just happened.

After 5 minutes I hear my door as I rush to the hallway. My mouth falls open as I see what is standing in the front of me. Erin, Lucy, Emily, Cayley.. Niall, Jason and.. Theo.

"Happy Birthday!" they scream and all I can think about it where the hell is Anne. "O-oh. Erm.. Guys I'm sorry." I stutter as I try to wipe the tears away. Erin walks towards me followed by Theo. When Theo touched me I flinch back. The memory fresh in my mind of those guys. "Whats wrong?" Erin asks as I burst out in tears. I look down my bare feet, seeing the goosebumps appear as the door swings open revealing an out of breathe Anne.

"Erm.. Hi guys can you please leave.." Anne asks politely. I hear them mumble a few words. I just hope they aren't mad or something. Now every body is gone the only thing I hear are sobs, knowing they are coming from my mouth as Anne takes me to the living room. Sobs still escaping my mouth as I look up to Anne, seeing Theo standing behind her.

"Go." I hiss at him. I immediately regret what I say as I see something change in his eyes. Is it pain? "I'm sorry." I whisper as more tears are streaming down my cheeks. "What happened?" he asks, his voice soft. "I-i-i" I stutter, I can't find the right words. Who wants a girl who almost let herself being raped by a bunch of boys.

As Theo takes a seat beside me on the couch I nuzzle myself in his chest, more sobs leaving my mouth. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me as close as possible, and I feel save.


hey yo guys. Im sorry it took a little bit longer than I expected it to be and yes I know I had a holiday.. well I was just busy reading. I just watched City of Bones and Im in a depression from now on. I feel like I can never be happy again.

Well, kill the vote button and if this chapter gets 100 reads before tonight I will update this weekend.

Dedicated this chapter to Sanne and Sabien because Nleobienne I love them.]

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