The End

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Guys I am very very grateful that you all have read my fanfiction which has started out as a joke. I havent been the easiest one while updating because i never was on time lmao. I loved this small adventure writing Dating Theo James.

But, the end has come for me. I don't know how to say this but I am gonna stop writing this fanfiction because I am out of inspiration and I don't have any time. I'll leave the story on my profile, and because I'm not cruel, I wrote an epilogue. I am very sorry to end it this way but I don't feel like writing this fanfiction anymore. Thank you guys all so much for reading my fanfiction and I appreciate it! It's been a year since I started this, I loved it but it's over now for me. It was really a great thing to do, and I'm grateful for all my votes readers and comments! I love you al very much and I hope you like the ending. I'm sorry guys but I just can't write any longer.

So remember Laura woke up with an Amnesia right? But what happened since then? After months, she spent with Theo and her friends, she still doesn't remember anything. Though, she falls in love again. The name of the Lucky One is Theo James. Laura has fallen into a deep depression because of everything, and Anne gave birth to a small girl called Reena. Even though Anne don't know who the father is, she gets a lot of help from her new boyfriend Jason. (Yes, Theo's mate!)

The relationship between Theo and Laura is better, but Theo doesn't help the fact he feels different, but that is not that crazy is it? Now, 5 years later, is where I'm gonna start writing the epilogue. Thanks guys for staying with me through this adventure, I love everyone of you.


Laura's POV

Nervous, oh my god so nervous. I remember the day Theo and I met, he came by my house one night, and he was absolutely the guy in my pictures. Well that's what I remember, obviously we met before and he told me everything we've been through together. Even though I don't remember it, I can feel it. And I know I loved him, and I love him so much more now. That's why I am here right now, with my two best friends Cayley and Anne. Anne is doing my hair, and Cayley my make up. They both look gorgeous.

"Are you nervous?" Anne asks as she sees my concerned look. I nod, of course I am. Right now I'm 24 and this is probably the best decision I ever made.

I look around my room, well our room, I share it with Theo. He's at Jasons right now to get ready, I hope he doesn't have an hangover.

I smile when I think back of the last 5 years, we often woke up with an hangover. Or the days we just spent at the house, or the double dates with Anne and Jason.

5 years have passed and I have never felt so happy as in these past 5 years with Theo. And today, we're gonna make it last forever.

Once the girls are done with me, Anne leaves to get my dress. Butterflies fly around in my stomach when she comes back, it's beautiful. I wonder what kind of suit Theo is wearing, but I guess I'll see that when he comes and picks me up. Cayley and Anne will be my bridesmaids, and Reena will carry the rings. Jason is Theo's best mate, along with Niall.

I would never have expected my life to turn out like this, because I wasn't the type of girl who could stick to one guy, I needed more than one. What happened with Theo first, I don't know. But I understand why I fell in love with him first time, because it happened again.

My relationship with Theo has been one hell of a roller coaster, but it was all worth it. Beautiful and sad things happened, and I wouldn't want to miss any of it.

Currently it is 10AM, and Theo can be here any minute. First, we are leaving for a traditional photoshoot, and then there's the ceremony in the curch, and at the end there's the party. Loads of people will come, and a few media. Theo his acting carreer is on full life, he has done all three divergent movies by now, and the last will come out in a few months. Luckily, his fans respect me and like me, well most of them.

Nervous, oh my god so nervous. That's what I feel when the doorbell rings. I hear Reena squeak from excitement when she runs down to open the door. Anne and Cayley and I sit on my bed, it feels like the old days. Tears spring in my eyes when I think back of what we have been through with the three of us, it has always been us.

I hug them, oh my god I love my girls, they have been here through everything, and the other way around. I don't know what I would have been if I had never met them.

"It's time." Cayley whispers as she stands up, trying to hide her tears. I swallow hard and we walk downstairs with the three of us. So nervous. Once I reach the last step of the stairs I look to the left, where the front door is. I smile bright when I see my groom, my man. He's playing with Reena and behind him are Niall and Jason. And a little further are the media, of course.

When Theo catches my eyes, they go wide open. He steps past Reena and walks towards me, taking my hand, and he kisses it softly. "You look so, so gorgeous." he breathes. My cheeks turn red a bit before I kiss him on the lips.

"Should we go now?" Niall asks, impatiently to go to the set of our photoshoot. Our four best friend kept it a secret for us, they organized and paid the complete photoshoot as a gift for our wedding.

The Limo is waiting in the front of our house, and when we all walk outside we hear people cheer, camera's are flashing and a few fans are screaming. The Media isn't aloud at our photoshoot nor the ceremony, but some of them are invited at the party. So, there are also a few police officers who keep the media outside.

The drive towards our secret location isn't far, but the nerves get me again. I hold Theo's hand, and look up at him. He is so beautiful. He looks at me too, and smiles his most beautiful smile.

"I love you." he whispers.

"I love you too." I reply.

The location of the photoshoot is somewhere in the middle of the woods, at some kind of palace. It is beautiful! The palace, fountains and beautiful trees around it. What a set.

The photo shoot goes by fast, but were all enjoying it, and of course there is a group picture taken.

Happily we get back into our Limo who brings us to the church. Nervous, I'm nervous again.

As we arrive at the church, a bunch of people is waiting for us, cheering. Theo grabs my hand and pulls me with him. Inside the church, it is beautiful decorated, all kinds of white flowers and balloons.


Happily, we walk outside the church, people are gathered up in lines again. Cheering louder then when we arrived. This time throwing flowers at us, and saying nice words. At the end is a man waiting, with a cage. In the cage are two birds, the man calls them love birds. Theo and I are supposed to open the cage, and let the love birds free. It's a sign of love.

With trembling hands, Theo and I open the small door of the cage and the birds fly out almost immediately, both going the same direction. Just like Theo and I, from now on, we will be going into the same direction. We will be together, until the death will separate us, until out last breathes.

And while the birds fly towards the deep blue sky, I look into Theo's eyes, and I know for sure, there is no other man in this whole world, I want to spend the rest of my life with.


so guys, thats it. I hope you are happy with the ending, and I'm really really really sorry for the fact that I have to stop writing, but some things happened and I just don't feel like writing.

Anyway, thank you so much, 142K readers is something I wouldn't even dream of! You guys were great! I love you!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2014 ⏰

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