Chapter 8

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Laura’s POV

As I watch his face go pale I reach out for his hand. He immediatley jerks away and I’m sort of hurt. I get off my bed and put some clothes on before I leave my bedroom. As I reach the bathroom I hear Theo scream. I don’t want to admit it but his voice sounds so damn sexy. I don’t want to walk back and comfort him because I don’t think that would be really helpful now. I wonder which person can make him scream like that, would I be able to make him groan like that, or moan? Wow, shut it Laura. My thought wander off to the person who makes him this way, Theo seems like a nice guy. I think you should have done some really bad things to make him really angry. My thoughts get interrupted as I feel his arms around my waist. I let out a deep breathe I didn’t knew I was holding.

“What’s wrong?” I quietly ask him as I turn around to face him, his brown eyes looking for mine. “Just, my maneger.” he says and lets out a deep breathe, his eyes full of sadness. “Tell me, Theo.” I whisper, hoping for a good answer. “Lets go down stairs, you should take a seat.”

As Theo takes a seat on the diner table I walk towards the kitchen, getting myself a glass of water. I take a seat in the front of him. His eyes are avoiding me. “Tell me, Theo.” I tell him, still looking for his eyes. “I-I-I have to leave.” He stutters, finally looking at me. “What do you mean?” I ask, carefully. “Well.. you know about Divergent right?” he asks me. Of course I do. I nod and look down at the table, my water seems more interesting now. “We were about to start filming after the summer, around September, but..” he stops. I am still not looking at him he can’t say what I think he will. “But, the weather will not be good that time, so we are leaving tomorrow to start shooting.” He finishes.

I can’t believe it. This must be a sick joke or something. I try to keep my breathe steady but I can feel I’m failing. I don’t know why I am so touched or emotional by this, but you can’t take him away from me. He will fall in love with that other girl, what’s her name again. He will forget me. I don’t know why it bothers me but to be honest it just does. No reason. Or is there a reason? No.

“Laura? Laura are you okay?” he asks, his voice full of concern. Of course I am not, you prick. “Yea, sure why not?” I lie and I see his expression change. “No, nothing.” he says quietly. I stand up and walk around the room. “I think you should leave.” I tell him without realizing. I wish I could take those words back, I don’t want him to leave. “If that’s what you want I will leave.” He says. No don’t leave! “Yes, that’s what I want. Get out.” my eyes fil themselves with tears. I can’t cry while he is here. I don’t mean a shit to him.

“So everything we did last weekend didn’t mean a shit to you?” he says, his voice angry. Yes it did, it’ll kill me if you leave. “No, just go. I already knew this was just a one time thing. I’d be better without you.” my heart aches. 

Theo’s POV.

“I’d be better without you.”
“I’d be better without you.”

She just said it. She said what I expected but not hoped for. I knew I had to leave, but not so fast. I need more time with here. But I know she is right. She would  be better without me, I know that, and she knows that. I am famous and sooner more people will recognize me, and I don’t want to put her trough things like that.

“I know you are, so I will leave.” I tell her and stand up. My heart aches as I walk past by her. As soon as I am past her I turn around, I want to see her blue eyes just once more time. She is looking at me. Just looking. I can’t see any emotion. No emotion probably means there never was something. She just enjoyed her self with me. But before I know it I have my lips smashed against hers. First she stands Frozen but she recovers quickly and joins me in this kiss. I push her against the cold wall and let my hands find her bum, squeezing it softly as I bite her bottom lip. Her hands pull my hair and I moan in her mouth. After what seems like just 5 seconds she gently pushes me off her. Her eyes full of lust. “L-leave.” she says, her voice raspy and out of breathe. And sadly, just for her own good, because I am no good for her, I do as I’ve been told. I leave her.

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