Please read ..

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Hello hello sweet fans of mine.
I need to tell you guys a few things..

As you can notice I don't update that much lately and honestly I don't feel like updating anymore. So I decided that I'll just write a few more chapters until the epilogue. I want this story to have an end but it's not the ending I had plannend. Honestly I already started writing a sequel to this book.

I love you guys so so so much but the hate i'm getting makes me sad you know? Please give me reasons and inspiration to keep writing because i want to, but i dont want to be judged by everly single mistake I make.

So the decision is yours now :
1: I continue writing, and end this book how i planned it with a sequel, but no judging on my language and give me atleast a week time to write.
2: I'll finish this book soon and it's over. No sequel and not the ending I plannend.

I do this because I'm human too and I don't like the fact that i get judged by making spelling mistakes or not updating. So it's up to you. Just comment and tell me what to do because honestly I want to write but the hate makes me sick you know??

So, just let me now.

Natty. X

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