Chapter 10

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I'm so sorry for not updating I swear.. But here it is, the new chapter. Xo

Theo's POV

The time goes really really slow. My mind keeps going back to Laura no matter how hard I forbid it. It's impossible and I can't forget her. I have this whole day off, tomorrow is the first day on set and I'm super excited! I'm excited to see Shai and Ansel again! And of course Veronica! I decide to text Ansel * Hey mate, whats up? * I really hope he'll text back soon, hoping he is already here so we can maybe catch up a little. Within 15 minutes there is my answer. * Just arrived at Jacksonville man, Let's meet at Nando's around 3PM? * I smile and text him back. Its 10:30 and the time seems to be frozen. 5:30 At Laura's.. What will she be doing?

Laura's POV

I miss him like hell and I can't stop crying. It's unfair. So unfair. And I wonder why do I care about him anyways? I knew he would leave sooner or later, well everyone does but it was different with him.

Almost 6PM and I haven't even studied for my exam tomorrow. Stress takes control over me and within seconds the tears are wiped away and I have my books on my lap. Luckily I pay a lot attention in class, it all makes it so much easier to study! Also, this History subject is very intersting, I have always loved the Cold War so it makes it so much more fun to study!

I'm actually really enjoying this subject as my phone starts to buzz. I unlock it and I see I have an facebook messenger from Brandon..

Hey hot stuff, text me I dont have your number. - X

I laugh and send him a text message on my phone, telling him I will call him later, that my study comes first.

Pretty soon I'm back in my trans again and soon it's 8PM. I have such an energy right now that I decide a little run doesnt hurt, well maybe my knee but I will just go for it.

15 Minutes later I put my hair in a ponytail and put my Nike's on. I put my phone on shuffle and leave my house.

As I am almost near the woods I stop, I know its still light but I can't risk the woods in the evening. I make my way back home, save and take a shower.

* 9.30PM *

Curled up on the couch watching one of my favorite movies after a day like this is just lovely. The shower totally cleared up my mind and I'm sure I will pas this finals and then Jacksonville here I come.

Frozen never fails to make me laugh (A/N: dont worry no spoilers ) After the movie is finished I lay down in my bed scrolling trough We Heart It with some music on. Yea this day has been pretty boring.

Theo's POV


The day so far has been pretty boring. I'm now on my way to Nando's, very excited to see Ansel again! The last, and first time I had seen him was when we had a sort of introduction day with the director and the crew. He is very nice. Shailene, on the other hand is just fantastic. She is like my little baby sister, one minute I love her and the other she is annoying the crap out of me, and I do the same with her. But hey, I guess thats what brothers are for. I know all those people who ship us, with weird names and stuff, but that's not the truth. I have met Shai before and she is wonderful but we are different and were just friends, nothing more and nothing less.

As I enter Nando's Ansel is already there. I greet him with a big hug and order some chicken. Not much later a bunch of girls has recognized us and we take our time to take some pictures with them. Most girls have left Nando's as we decide to leave.

Jacksonville is awesome! It has been a great day so far and I'm glad to be back in my hotel room. This day with Ansel was very fun but exhausting. It's already after 9 and I feel completely tired.

Laura's POV
* morning 9AM *

The first thing that comes up my mind when I wake up is the Cold War, but not much later Theo pops in too. I try my hardest to push him out of my thought when I'm making my breakfast and focus on the Cold War. I'm sort of nervous as I get in my car and try to remember the things mum always told me when I was nervous.

As I drive into the parking lot I already see Cayley and wave at her. Together we walk to History and the nerves fully take over my body. Just breathe, Laura. I remind myself. I find my seat and sadly I'm placed next to Thalia. That girl always cheats on every exam or test and she blames the other one. This is going to be one hell of an exam....


I finished my exam just in time and it went really well. I actually enjoyed this one and the best moment of it all was that Thalia got caught. I grab my bag and walk back to my car. As I enter my car I get a call from an unkown number and I doubt if I should pick up. It's only 10:30AM and why would someone call so early unless it's .. important?

I decide to pick up.

"Hello?" I whisper.
"Honey wait." it breathes and the second I realize to who that voice belong I hang up.

How does he got my number, and more important why would he call me? He is not even supposed to contact me? Tears fill my eyes when I think back of the day we have spent together. I hate him but I also miss him. It should not have gone this way. Neither of us deserved it.

My hands are shaking as I grab my phone again and I stare at the screen. Unknown number. I will never be able to contact him as long as he doesnt call me again. But he knows where I live so what if he will come over? 

I try to call Anne but my hands are to shaky. I let the tears fall on my cheeks and try to calm myself. He just called me! Should I be happy or sad? 

Once I'm calmed down I call Anne.

"Whats up girl?" she says.
And I answer:

"He called me."

As response I hear her drop her phone to the ground, and more tears fall from my eyes.


Hey, now serious I'm sorry I didnt update okaaay, I dont have any excuse but I will try to update more, I hope you like it and sorry for the cliffhanger.......

any idea who it can be ? ^^ 


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