Chapter 14

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Once again, I remind you Laura loves to go out and plays dirty. If you don't like those scenes its not my fault, I warned you before.

Laura's POV

Cayl and I decided to go to Anne straight away. The drive goes by quiet, you really can feel the tension. I really hope Anne passed too.

Luckily, I have Anne her keys and quietly we open the door and go inside. I hear her voice, but I can't really make out what she is saying. I put off my shoes and walk into her living room where she is sitting on the couch, the phone in her hand.

At moments like this, it sucks that I can't read minds. She looks shocked. Good way or a bad way?

"They called.." she says

"Well, and?" Cayl replies.

"I guess, were going to America!" Anne screams and she starts crying. Happy tears. I have them too and when I look at Cayley, I know she is holding them back.

My two best friends passed their final exams, I did too. And we're going to Jacksonville. How amazing is this.

"Well, I'd wanted to say we should go for a drink but I don't want to have a hangover in the airplane tomorrow." Anne says and Cayl and I both agree.

Instead, we end up going to Nando's and spent the afternoon there. Around 4 o'clock we all decide it might be better to go home and get enough sleep, since our flight is pretty early tomorrow. Also, I still haven't packed.. oopsie.

Once I am home I change into my PJ's and set my iPhone on shuffle and start packing. Starting with some ( sexy ) panties and bras. I make sure I have enough of everything though we are only going for a week.

I have this big pink suitcase with glitters and it makes me laugh really hard. I once bought this thing with Lucy while we were in Spain.. Good times haha.

After an hour I look at my suitcase and it's all packed. Shorts, tanktops, dresses and skirts. I also packed my DR. Martens and my Jeffrey Campbells and some pair of vans. I only need my make up and other bathroom stuffs. As I packed those stuffs too, I let out a sigh of relief. It's almost 6 o'clock and I'm starving again. I make myself some dinner before I settle myself on the couch. Time for a movie.


After brushing my teeth, I go to bed, staring at the ceilling. Suddenly I start to feel extremely sad and I don't want to be alone. Would it okay to call Theo? Or someone else? I just really want a pair of arms around me. I'm not the cuddle type of girl, but right now, I could use a hug.

While my mind is wandering trough years of happiness and pain, I finally end up falling asleep. And I dream, well, a nightmare it is actually.

* I walk home from school. I feel happy. Mommy promised she would never leave me. Anne walks next to me, singing a song. I met her today at my new school and she is really nice. Her mom is too. Anne's mom asked me where I lived so she could bring me home. That was very sweet. Once we arrive at the house, there are all strange men in a uniform. All in the front of our new house. Anne's mom grabs my hand as we walk towards our house and when I look at it, I start crying. Mommy's new house is completely destroyed! The windows are broken and the door isn't even there anymore. In the corner of my eye I see one of those men coming over to us.

"Ma'am, is this Laura Natalie Diane Green?" the weird man asks, and Anne's mom looks at me.

"Is that your real name Laura?" I nodd.

"Ma'am can I talk to you for a few minutes?" he asks Anne's mom and she nodds.

I ask the strange man, "Sir, is it okay if my friend and I go to the playground around the corner?"

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