Chapter 13

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It's been to long guys. I know I'm sorry... vote if you have waited for this new chappie !

Laura's POV

I don't sleep much that night since I cant get the conversation out of my head. I know I messed it up with him, but now he confirmed it I can finally move on. I just lay in my bed, staring at the celling and I smile because I'm freed. I hope Theo is too. Or at least he can move on.

Now I should stop worrying about him and for the first time this last few weeks I think clearly and fresh. It's not that I know suddenly can stop missing him, of course not. But it is a great step and I know we both can continue without each other now.

I still have no idea where Theo is right now and I stopped guessing it, because it doesn't bother me anymore. I am going to America and that is was matters now. I will be having fun next week, with my two best friends. It will be like the old days, alcohol, boys and more boys. And the best of it all is, the boys we will meet there, stay there. They will not like stalk me like most guys do here in London.

I'm already smiling at the idea of next week. And with a smile on my face, I fall asleep.

Today, the sun woke me up. It shone right trough my window and it made me smile. It feels like the weather is happy for me, too. I decide to call Lucy and ask her if she wants us to hang out today.

Around noon Lucy shows up at my house and we end up watching some Twilight movies.

The day goes by really fast and we end up going to Nando's eating chicken. I am still trying to figure out why I always end up in Nando's but you don't hear me complaining. As some show news is on at the television they are talking about this upcoming movie 'Divergent'. When I hear the name my head snaps in the direction of the Television and I see a reporter on set. This makes me happy. Well, I'm hurt, but happy. At the background I see Theo and another guy and I feel my heart sting a little. But this is what he wants so I am happy for him.

I dont even know what the reporter is saying as I keep my eyes focussed on Theo.

I just really hope he is happy..

Theo's POV

I don't get it why she called me. I am so confused now and I regret everything I said. I really wanted us to work out but there will be coming sequels of divergent and I will not let anyone come between me and my dream. I have wanted this for so long.

Tho I might hurt Laura, I know she can move on now. Tomorrow she will receive her result and god I hope she passed it. I hope she is going to follow one of her dreams, to do what makes her happy. Only her smile is enough for me to be happy. Even if we wont be together we both could be happy, she with someone else, and I could be happy just to see her happy?

You understand? Like caring so much for one person that only a little smile can bright up your day? That is what Laura does to me.

It's just, she is it! Its not just the kindness in her eyes. It's not only the way she smiles and the way she cares. I love everything about her. Her sweet and caring side, and the side I have met in the London Eye.

I smile at the thought of the London Eye. The way her kind eyes turned into black eyes. Willing to go for it, whatever it could be. If Management didn't call me that day things could have ended pretty different.

But you don't get to choose what happens in life. But when unexpected things happen, you have to choose. And thinking of what I could have and what I have now, I think I might could have made the wrong choice.

It's not that I'm not enjoying being on set, not at all! I love it here, I love the people who work here and everything I do. But what if it's over and I go back to London? I don't have anything besides my house. I could have her. If we talked it out.

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