Chapter 9

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Laura's POV

I see him. It's him I recognize his brown eyes everywhere. My heart sinks into my shoes as the window closes itself and the car drives away. I fight the tears that fill my eyes. I can't cry not now. Somewhere in the back of my head I hear them saying my name, but I just stare at the empty place where he was just 20 seconds ago. Why, I wonder why he was there. How long has he been there? I don't know. 

"Laura!" Iris yells at me as I finally get back to earth. I look at her and try my best to smile at her. "Are you okay?" she asks and I just nod, not trusting my voice. I am broken. 

As I look around I see Cayley and Loulou too, and Dean and Rick. My eyes meet Rick's eyes and I immediatley look away, his blue eyes are nothing compared to the brown eyes I miss already. I give him a small smile as I walk to my locker. I don't even know which classes I have but I just grab a few books and watch my schedule.  Great, first class is P.E. and lets just say I am not looking forward that piece of grab. 

As I'm in the locker room I change as I realize my injure. I can't join P.E. and walk over to Coach Brown to show him my doctors note. He groans a little but he gives me off, so I have a free period. Great. I walk towards the front office in school and tell the lady I am not feeling well. Luckily I'm aloud to go home, before this day even started.

As I get home I see a small box and I realise it's my phone. As I open it I see a new iPhone 4S, a black one. I get everything settled and put a little message on Facebook so everyone could have my new number. 

I put on my iTunes on my computer and put some of my favorite albums on my phone. Including the Soundtrack of Catching Fire and Frozen. Yes I'm 20 years old and I love that Frozen movie, deal with it. My Demi Lovato albums all go straight to my phone, I don't know what to do without them, and of course my Imagine Dragons album. 

As an hour as passed by I'm finally done. I download some apps including We Heart It. There is no way in hell I can live without that app. As soon as I get on it, the first picture I see is mother fucking Theo James with ofcourse, Shailene Woodley.

Theo's POV

The drive to the airport took me a while but now its finally over 10AM and we arrived. I will go to sweet sweet America, I have waited for so long for this. As I get out of the car there are a few fans and I do have a little time to chat with them and take some photo's. While I smile I just think of the blonde haired girl. The way how her face turned from Okay to really sad when she saw me, the way I saw her eyes fill themselves with tears. 

I push the thoughts away and say goodbye to the fans and then check in. I take a quick look at my phone but of course she didn't text me, she doesn't even have a phone. I walk towards a little shop and order a sandwich and some coke as I leave to my Gate. 

An hour as passed by as I enter my plane. I have a seat next to the window as I put my earpods in, putting on my Imagine Dragons album which I stole from Laura's laptop when she wasn't there and I smile. I can already imagine her jamming on that music. I slowly drifft of to sleep while listening to the album, and to admit its pretty good.

As I open my eyes and look out of the window I know the plane is about to land, because were getting lower and lower. I sigh and grab my stuff together and wait for the signal when we finally get out when a high pitched lady voice come trough the speakers. "Attention,please everyone stay calm. Please take a seat and put your seatbelt on, were about to land." I do as I have been told and wait patiently for the landing, hoping it would be over pretty soon. Luckily the landing goes well and before I know it I'm out the plane and getting my luggage. 

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