Chapter 12

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Laura's POV

Shit.. what did I just say. I feel Brandon is going out of me and I already miss the feeling.

"Who is Theo?" he asks, his voice harsh but his eyes look sad. I hurt him.

"Um.. someone I -" I feel the emptiness Theo had left me with and I fight the tears. I hurt Brandon because Theo hurt me. Thats not how it works..

"I'm so sorry Brandon.. You are a really nice guy but I think.." Yeah, what am I actually thinking. I don't know. Okay I have been a mess, completely. I have been crying myself to sleep every night. I miss him, I need him.

"Sorry Brandon.. But we never should have started this. I'm sorry." I say and try to touch his cheek but he jerks away. He has al the right to do that.

I feel bad, for Brandon and I feel bad about the way Theo and I ended. Also, I have been scared every since Wednesday.. Of course I am, and I need someone to be with me just like the night Theo... protected me.

Deep in thoughts I suddenly hear the door slam and I know I am alone again and let the tears fall I've been holding for so long. What is it about that guy with the golden/brown eyes.. and so, i fall asleep and i dream about an angel, well my angel.

As soon as I wake up I'm in a good spirit. I dont feel like going out tonight with friends so I'm going to London myself today and get myself some clothes for Jacksonville. I have planned it all out. Staying there for dinner and just watch a movie as I'm home.

Once I'm in the car i put my Imagine Dragons CD on and drive to London. Its not far since I live in London, but just like the ' city ' of London.

It feels so good to be alone right now and remind myself its my life and I shouldnt let anyone come between it. Not even boys.

Once I parked my car I get my earphones and put on my music. Its nice to be alone but without music that feeling wouldnt be the same. I downloaded the new single of The Fray and its amazingly good! I enjoy this day. So far so great.


Now I'm in Nando's ( surprise surprise ) and enjoyin this meal. Today has been gone so fast and I cant wait to be back at home. I bought some amazing clothes and even some new DVDs whom I sure will be watching tonight.

There is always atleast one television in Nando's and this time they put CNN on. I'm not very interested in the news but for now it wouldnt hurt.

I am so into CNN that I didnt noticed someone was at my table until he spoke.

"Hey there." a heavy voice says and I recognize it immediately. Stephen.

"What do you want?" I ask, harsly.

"I was just wondering how you and Theo are.. You guys seem like the perfect couple." he says and I know he's saying this to hurt me.

"We're good, perfect actually." I lie, biting my lip to fight the tears.

"That's great. Don't you miss him, now he is gone for shooting Divergent.. with Shailene?"

"Leave me alone, Stephen." I say, trying not to cry.

"Awe, did I hurt you?"

"Go away."

"He texted me last night that he went out with Shailene.."

I cant help it but a small tear escapes my eye, exactly how he wanted.

"Well, I will leave you alone now. Have a nice evening, Laura." And with that he leaves me.

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