Chapter 16

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Laura's POV

I don't regret what just happened. Really I don't. But if I had the chance to do it again, I wouldn't do it.

Things don't get solved like this. This was just a sort of last goodbye. Theo is asleep next to me and I let my hand go trough his hair. He is perfect.

I really like to be around him and I miss him the minute he leaves me, but I don't think there can be a real relationship between Theo and I. He lied to me since I met him. I bet he was already seeing Shailene when we had our moments and that hurts.

If he tells me the truth about that I will consider staying with him.. If that is what he wants too. I'm not easy to handle but I'm okay with the fact that I have to change a bit for him.

Tonight he showed me how much he cares about me and hearing him say those words out loud made me so happy.

If you had told me three months ago I would meet this amazing guy on omegle and stay in touch with him I would have laughed really hard.

But I'm glad. I'm glad Theo came into my life. I'm not planning on losing him again so I have work for that.

I look at him while he sleeps and he looks like an angel. His face seems relaxed and his cheekbones are just perfect. I love this view.

I like looking at Theo. I'm happy he isn't awake because I can't handle having him looking at me. That makes me incredible shy and I just want to know what he thinks when he sees me.

I let my finger go over his torso and I just like that. This, with him, feels so perfect. I wish I could stop the time and live this moment forever.

Sadly we can't. Tomorrow things will be different. We really have to talk about a lot of thing and I actually don't know if I am ready for that.

But I have to if I want things to change, and actually work out between us. I stare at him, his eyes closed and I realize this is it. This is how i can see my life.

Getting a good job and when I come home having him around me. Having our own little apartment. I smile by these thoughts. But it's now up to the both of is to make that happen. At least, if that is what he wants.

I curl myself up and push myself further against him. I don't ever want him to leave me again.


I wake up from a noise i can't really place. I turn around to find Theo but my bed is empty besides me.

The memories of last night are still fresh in my mind and I can't fight the smile that's now on my face.

Suddenly Theo appears out of the bathroom and he looks perfect as ever.

"Morning" he whispers, sitting down besides me on the bed.

"Hey." I answer smiling up to him.

"How do you feel?" He ask, stroking some hair behind my ears.

"I'm fine, just a little headache. Thank you."

"I'm not surprised.. Do you .. Urr.. Remember anything from last night?" He says, his voice low.

I nod and smile at him. Of course i do how can i even forget that.

"Yea I do.." I whisper, touching his cheek softly.

"Do you regret it?" he says, his voice sounding a bit scared.

Then I kiss him. To prove him I don't. He joins me immediately. I put my arms around his neck. This kiss is sweet. It wasn't like the ones we shared last night, but it feels amazing.

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