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The only noise I heard for a while was my own footsteps on the concrete and the sound of my bag bouncing on my leg as I walked. It was a good thing, no dead around, no freaks trying to raid me. Yes, I was alone, but it was better then running.

I had a group, but not even a day ago I lost them. I was separated and ever since I have been wondering around, feeling as if I have been going in circles trying to find them. One thing I have had a problem with is direction. What scared me was I didn't know if I was wandering farther away or closer.

I was homesick. We were set up pretty well, a small little town called Alexandria. We had food, plenty of weapons, even running water and lighting. It was like things were normal, like the virus never broke out. I had a bed that I could call my own, and a house I felt safe in...I had a family. My brother was Rick, we all looked to him as our leader. I had grown so close to all of them, and then I messed that up for myself.

As I walked, I tried to see if anything looked familiar; everything looked the same. Same damn trees, same damn road, same damn bushes.

I sat on the side of the road for a little while, trying to catch my breath, and then I thought I heard something. It was quite loud, it was a low rumble. It took me a moment to realize what it was until it was pretty much right on top of me. It was a group of cars. I was sitting on a hill so I didn't have much time to get out of the way before I could see all the cars.

I quickly grabbed my bag, getting ready to run when I heard gunshots. I quickly started to run, but I realized they were shooting at me. So, I froze, knowing I had no weapons and no way to defend myself.

There were a few motorcycles a jeep and a truck. They quickly all stopped, and all I did was hold my hands up. It took a minute for something to happen, all the men talked with each other for a moment until a man in the truck stepped out. He made slow, long steps around the truck and in front of me. He had a wicked grin on his face.

I looked him up and down, and I have to admit this guy did look intimidating. He had a leather jacket on and leather gloves,a red scarf and his hair was slicked back. But what really caught my eye was what in his hand; he held a baseball bat that was wrapped in barbwire.

"I thought I told you little fuckers to stay put..." He spoke, cocking head to me. There was still a huge grin across his face. "What are you doing all the way out here sweetheart?"

I was so confused, I had no idea what the hell he was talking about. "Excuse me?" I scoffed, putting my hands down.

"You all alone or are your little cock-sucking friends hiding out waiting to kill me and my men?" He went on. "Because we know how that fucking goes." He chuckled.

I paused for a moment, not knowing how to respond to that. I tried to think of what he might be talking about.

"I'm sorry, I have no idea what the hell you're talking about." I said, kind of bored with these guys. "Look, I am alone, and I dont really appreciate you shooting at me for no damn reason." I snapped.

He chuckled. "Shit, for a little fucking things you are sassy." He took a few steps closer to me, pointing his baseball bat in my face. "Look princess, you're in a lot of shit for being out here-"

"I don't know who you are and what you are talking about. I am alone and have been for a while. I didn't come from anywhere, I was separated from my group. I was just trying to get back to my town." I interrupted him.

He nodded, twirling his bat in his hand, looking back at the men in the cars and on the bikes and back at me. "Alright...for one, don't fucking interrupt me. For two, I'm Negan and this is Lucille. For three don't fucking sass me again." He spat.

Shit...Negan... Was that the name Daryl, Sasha, and Abraham were saying the men on the bikes said?

"Negan with an N or Megan with an M?" I asked him, crossing my arms.

I could tell that made him pissy.

"You really like to grind gears, don't you, you little fucker." He said, getting a littler closer. He put the end of Lucille under my chin, lifting it up so I would meet his eyes. He examined my face. "Say you had a group and town, huh? You seem pretty cleaned up...wouldn't mind showing us where you are set up, would you, sweetheart?"

I moved my head away from the bat, stepping back a little. "Fuck off." I mumbled

He smiled ear to ear, and threw his head back laughing. It made the other men laugh as well. I stood there, trying to figure out what was funny.

"Oh, hunny, I could kill you...but I like you, you're cute." He said, his laughter fading away. He turned around, walking to the truck. "Tie her up and throw her in the truck." He ordered one of the men to do. "You can ride me with me, sassy pants." He said to me.

The man got rope out and held a gun up as he approached me so I couldn't run. I thought, and thought for a way out. I couldn't do anything. The man jerked me around as he tied my hands behind my back, taking my weapons and bag. He shoved me to a green truck that Negan sat in. I hopped into it, and the man slammed the door shut. I said nothing.

Hey, kiddies! This book is kind of one I am just messing around with and hopefully get a few reads. I have read a few Negan fan fictions and thought I would write one. So, please comment, vote, and follow! Thankies! ✌❇❤

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