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I was so scared walking with Negan. I was praying that the RV that they had wasn't our RV from Alexandria. It felt like the hallways that we walked through were millions of miles long. I glanced up at Negan a few times and he had a smile tugging on his lips the hole time.

We got to a back door of the building, and Dwight led us outside. I held my breath as we went out the door. And, surely enough, it was our RV. I stopped walking, shoving Negan away as I stood there, taking it in. That did mean it was them.

Negan took a double take at me. He let out a low chuckle. "Oh," he laughed. "This is definitely your people's, right? Just look at you!" He shouted. "Man, this is not going to be fun for you...sorry, sweetheart but you're probably are going to want to shut your eyes when we get there."

I felt my throat tighten with tears at the thought. Negan came over to me, helping me walk again. I shoved him away, or at least attempted to buy it didn't work. He pulled me into the RV, smacking me with memories as soon as I stepped in. A few more men got in, and Negan sat me down in the passenger seat of the RV while he drove. He didn't speak to me the hole way there.


As we drove, my heart beat got faster and faster and nothing else mattered in that moment. Not what happened between Negan and I, not the cuts and bruises, not my maybe broken nose. My eyes scanned the area as we drove, and I waited to see if there were people; if there was my people.

Negan got a call on a little hand radio that was in his pocket. I couldn't hear it that well, but all I could make out was "we got'em." And a bunch of muffled static.

I felt my heart skip a beat, and I sat up in my seat, looking at Negan. He didn't reply to the man but he had a smile on his face. He saw I was looking at him, and glanced at me, his smile slowly going away after looking back to the road. I did as well, putting my face in my hands.

I am not sure how long it took for us to get to wherever we were going, but it felt like a lifetime. Dwight was in the back shouting, and telling Negan where to go and how to get there. I realized that we were not too far from Alexandria at this point. I knew because of a car wreck that we passed.

We then got to an area where there was a clearing with gravel. As we got closer, I saw a line of people and men with guns behind them. I looked closer, pressing my hands to the window and saw it was my people. All of them except for a few.

I reacted, and opened the door as soon as the RV came to a stop. I heard Negan yell at me, but I ignored him. I went running, and as soon as I saw Daryl with a bloody towel around his shoulders, I went for him.

"Oh my god, Daryl!" I yelled when I made it over to him.

He sat up, holding out his arms for me, but right before I could jump into them I was ripped away. One of the men grabbed my arm, throwing me backwards to the ground. Then I realized the adrenaline wore out and I was in pain again.

"Hey, don't touch her!" I heard Rick yell.

I managed to prop myself up, and looked at Rick who was struggling in a man's grip. Daryl looked at me with sad eyes, and everyone else had their eyes on me as well. I looked at Maggie, and she wasn't looking like she was doing too well. I looked at Carl who didn't even seem scared or fazed at all. Eugene was crying, and Glenn was on the verge. Everyone else looked scared as hell.

"Alright, we got a full boat!" Dwight yelled, walking to the RV. "Let's meat the man!" He yelled, walking over to the RV door, and slamming his hand on it.

Negan came out, a smile on his face and Lucille propped on his shoulder. He slammed the RV door shut and took his time with each step as he made his way over to stand beside me.

"We pissing our pants yet?" He said. "Boy, do I feel like we're getting close."

"Oh my god." I said to myself, rolling my eyes. Of course he had to make a big scene... We all know how Negan loves attention.

"Which one of you pricks are the leader?" Negan asked.

"This one right here. He's the guy." Dwight said, pointing to Rick."

Negan looked to Rick, and walked over to him. "Hi...you're Rick, right? I'm Negan..."


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