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I looked at everyone in panic, trying to take this all in. I couldn't fathom that this was actually happening. I kept telling myself on the way here that it wasn't going to be them, they would make it from Hilltop. I don't even know how I am surprised that this happened.

"I do not, appreciate you killing my men. And then, when I sent more of my men to kill you for killing my people, you killed more of my people..." Negan said to Rick. "Not cool- you have no idea how not cool that shit is."

"Negan, stop thi!-" I cried but was cut off by a bat being shoved in my face.

"Hey!," Negan shouted, pointing Lucille at me. "Shut up, honey. It's my turn to talk."

Negan turned around and went on with his little talk. I could tell he loved attention; or at least he loved this attention. He went on and on, and to be completely honest, I didn't listen to a lot of it. I was so worried and kept looking at everyone. It had been a whole since I had seen the group.

I looked to Daryl, seeing all the blood he was covered in and the towel that was soaked in blood. He looked drained. I looked to him, and met his eyes. He gave me a broken frown. He was in pain. I looked to Rick who didn't even meat my gaze because he was too busy listening to Negan. Rick definitely wasn't ok.

"Look, you killed a lot of my people, and I mean a hole shit load; a lot more then I am comfortable with." Negan said, starting to stroll around. "So for that...you gotta pay. Which means I'm going to kill one of you."


"I don't want to kill you people...I want you to work for me. But to teach you all a lesson-"

"Negan-" I started again.

"You interrupted me one more time, or I hear one more whimper from your god damn mouth, not only will I kill one of your friends, but I will kill you too." Negan snapped.

Negan turned back around to face the group, strolling along up and down the line of people. He stopped at Rick, looking down at him and back at Carl.

"Wait...this is your kid?" Negan said, pointing to Carl. "Oh, ho, ho, this is definitely your kid..." He studied their faces and looked back at me. "Is she your kid too? No, no, you're brother and sister- some sort of relation?" Negan scoffed.

Neither of us said anything. Negan eyeballed me, and winked. I felt rage build inside me.

The suspense of him walking passed everyone, not doing anything was killing me. It made me so scared every time Lucille would shift in his hand, or he would make one sniffle noise. I didn't know what was going to happen next.

It was so cold, you could see everyone's breath. All I had on was not, jeans with holes, and a sweater.

Negan squatted down in front of Carl, picking up a gun. "You have one of our guns...you have a lot of our guns." He said, Carl just kept a stone cold face. "Shit kid, lighten up a bit...at least cry a little." He said, laughing a little before he stood up and put the gun in the front of his pants, sniffling a little as he took his time walking.

He walked back down the line, then standing beside me, and looked down. "You warm enough, babe?" He asked me. "Or do you maybe wanna help me figure this shit out. Because I just can not decide." He chuckled. He then stopped, and turned to face everyone else. "Wait...I think I got an idea." He put Lucille on his shoulder. "Put her in the RV. I don't want her to see this." Negan said the last part quietly to Dwight.

Dwight nodded, walking over to me. "Wha- no! No, no!" I shrieked as Dwight lifted me from under my arms, dragging me as I kicked and moved to get out of his grip. "No! Negan, stop this!"

"I suggest you stop struggling now, or you won't be happy to see what happens when we get back." Dwight said quietly in my ear.

Dwight shoved me inside the RV, slamming the door, leaving me in there alone. All the windows were covered; I attempted to try and clear them so I could see, but I didn't really want to.

Instead I sat on the floor, and covered my ears, and squeezed my eyes shut, crying, and hoping this was all a nightmare I would wake up from.

Jello, readers. This chapter is short, its kind of a filler. That and I didn't do it in the exact way that episode went because I mean, all the Negan books have that scene in it and I'm sure we have all seen it plenty of times. Please vote, comment, and follow! Thankies!✌❇❤

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