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Amber seemed ok, she was a bit snobby but who was I to judge? She showed me around, and talked with me for a while. She told me about the other wives and more about Negan. It made me feel a little better after talking to someone. She started to walk me down a hall to an outside door. She was going on talking about something else when she opened it. I stopped, not walking outside. When she realized I wasn't following her anymore she stopped talking and looked at me.

"What?" She asked, looking around.

"I can't go out there." I said, pointing to the outside.

She seemed confused until her expression changed to an annoyed look. She rolled her eyes, opening the door wide. "It's fine. Negan isn't around right now. We won't be out for long. I just need to see someone for a moment."

I thought for a moment, crossing my arms and looked at her. I really didn't want to piss Negan off anymore then I already have.

"Come on, girl. It is fine." She said. "I never get to see him. This will be the only time in weeks."

I didn't know what she was talking about until I thought about it for a moment. She wanted to see her boyfriend. I thought it was only fare to let her. I would want to see Daryl...I mean, I do.

I gave a slight nod before following her out the door. She slammed the door shut, and led the way around a fence.

"He should be around here out on guard." She said, her face lighting up when we got around the corner.

She then started to run with a smile on her face. I looked and saw her running to a man, running into his arms. He hugged her, kissing her head. She laughed and squealed. I hung back, giving them their space. Mostly because they were sucking face most of the time.

I leaned against the wall, picking at my finger nails, letting them do their thing. I looked up when I thought I heard something. It was like a slow rumble getting louder and louder. I looked in the direction that I heard it coming from, squinting my eyes to try and see if I could see something. Soon enough I see a group of cars spreading our way. By the time I saw them they were right at the gate. I see its Negan's trucks.

I looked to Amber and her boyfriend who were completely oblivious of what was going on; too busy making out.

"Amber! Hey!" I yelled, but didn't want to get too loud.

She didn't hear me; I couldn't get loud because we were right beside then pavilion where they were unloading. I started to run that way to them, trying to be quick and quiet. As I was, I said her name and called for her. When I got close enough I caught her attention. As soon as she turned around I saw her look behind me, her eyes widening. Following that, I heard footsteps behind me and a ruff voice; my heart sank.

"Hey!" Negan's voice shouted. I froze in my tracks, not looking away from Amber. I heard his footsteps coming closer and stopped right behind me. He put a hand on my shoulder, yanking me backwards to face him. "What the fuck do you think you are doing?" He growled.

"Negan, she didn't-" Amber started. Negan put up a hand to stop her.

"Answer, Kit-Kat..." He said.

I just looked at him in terror. I didn't say anything, not knowing what to say. Do I say the truth? Lie for the sake of Amber and her boyfriend, not to mention myself-

Negan looked at Amber and the man she was with. They were still close, Amber's body still pressed to his. She quickly pulled away from him when she saw Negan looking. He looked to me and back at them and scoffed. He then started to walk their way. He grabbed Amber by the hair, yanking her head back.

"What the fuck is going on here, huh?" Negan spat in her face. Amber only whimpered.

"Hey, don't." Amber's boyfriend said to him, holding out a hand for Amber.

"You back the fuck up or you lose your fucking head, Romeo!" Negan snapped. "Your Juliet better start talking or she will too."

She still said nothing, only fear filling her eyes.

Negan let her go, putting a hand on the gun in his belt, walking beside me again. "Ok," he said. "Anyone going to talk? Going once? Going twice?"

With one swift move, his gun left his belt, shooting Amber's boyfriend down with one loud bang. Amber shrieked in terror, running to her fallen lover.

"Negan!" I shouted.

"Amber, Hun, take care of....." Negan motioned to her dying boyfriend. "That when he's dead." Negan turned to me, smiling at me. He grabbed my arm harshly, pulling me to walk with him. "Maybe we are do for another chat, but huh babe?" He said in my ear.

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