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"You know what, go do something with yourself." He said, walking out of the room and into the bathroom.

I stood there for a moment, feeling a pit form in my stomach...go do something with yourself? I knew that was his way of saying I don't want you here. I heard the shower turn on, and the shower curtain draw. So, I walked out of the room, slamming the door loudly behind me.


I didn't have anything to do since I did everything I needed to do this afternoon. So, I walked around aimlessly, grabbed something to eat, and continued to walk around.

Go do something with yourself kept replaying in my mind. Just the way he spat it at me, as if he wanted me to die. Why was he pissed? Just because Mike comforted me and I wouldn't tell him? I didn't have or know anybody here, and the one time I tried to know someone Negan gets pissed.

I was getting tired and just wanted to curl into a ball and sleep. I started to walk down the hall to go to Negan's room when I stopped myself, standing in the middle of the hallway.

Why am I going to his room? I don't need to go in there? I have my own cell I can sleep in, I don't want to see that bastard.

But or course I did. But I didn't. I forced myself to turn around and walk to my cell. But, I stoppd again when I realized something else. All my crap was in his room from staying in there. I didn't want to sleep in my dirty cloths and jeans, so again, I spun around, groaning loudly, and started to walk to Negan's room again.

I tried to walk as slow as possible while approaching the door. I hesitantly turned to doorknob, slowly cracking the door open. The room was dark with no lights lit so I assumed he was in bed. I walked lightly and quietly to my side of the bed where I had sat my cleaned clothes. I picked them up, and took one step to leave, but froze when I heard a voice.

"Where have you been?" Negan's rough, deep voice said.

I looked over to where I herd the voice, with only the little bit of light coming through the hallway. Negan was sitting at a small desk I never even noticed was there. He reached over, flicking on a lamp, lighting up the room.

"Doing something with myself..." I said bluntly. "Night, Negan-" I said, quickly, starting to walk to the door.

"Where the fuck are you going?" He chuckled loudly.

I stopped, looking his way. "...my room...to sleep."

"No you aren't." He laughed.

He was being strange. I looked down to see that there was a bottle of Crown down at his feet. I looked back up at him, studying his face. It was surely his drunk face. Blood shot eyes, crooked grin, and the screwed up words that didn't really go well together.

I crossed my arms. "You're drunk."

"No I'm not, Kit, you know I...." He trailed off. "Yeah, maybe." He said, looking down.

"I am not talking to you when you are drunk." I spun on my heels to leave.

"Why not? I'm fine, just have a little buzz."

"Remember what happened last time you had a little buzz?"

"Why are you being so snappy?" He scoffed. I just looked at him, not answering. He sat up in hi seat, clearing his throat. "Alrigt, c'mere." He said, patting his leg.

I rolled my eyes. "No-"

"Come fucking here." He snapped, raising his voice.

I glared at him for a moment, rolling my eyes and throwing my clothes down. I walked over to him, as soon as I was close enough he tightly grabbed by waist and pulled me roughly to his lap. I sat there as if I was toddler sitting on Santa's lap. I crossed my arms, not looking at him.

"I'm sorry being a dick earlier. Sometimes you just piss me off." He said into my ear.

"That is the worst apology I have ever heard." I snapped.

"I am apologizing for fuck sake, what more do you want?" He groaned in annoyance. I didn't say anything. "Okay, okay...I am sorry, sweetheart. Okay?" He said more genuinely.

I was being kind of difficult, I have to admit. But, once I get something in my head, its hard to believe something else. I was kind of at war with myself. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I continued to do it anyway. But hell, its the end of the god damn world, right? I was in love with Negan, and that is a strange thing for anyone to say; I also am scared that what if the one true love is the only true love you get. I wasn't going to risk losing mine.

I looked at Negan, and nodded sheepishly. "I'm sorry for being difficult."

He laughed. "I like difficult. It gives me something to live for." He said with his lips brushing against my cheek, to the corner of my mouth.

He put a hand on my face to make me turn and face him, pressing my lips on his. It was a slow and tender kiss that had the taste of Crown and cigarettes all over it. Not breaking the kiss, he picked me up bridal style, laying me on the bed.


Yes! Guess who's back! Thought I would come back with a good cliff hanger. I start school Thursday, so I will try and figure out new posting times soon and let you guys know, it might not be everyday. Until then I will try as much as possible to do so. Thanks for all the reads, and the votes! 4K reads and over 300 votes and 70 comments! That's amazing! Thankies!

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