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One Week Later

Its been a week. A hole week of me sitting, walking to another room and sitting, and getting back up to go sit somewhere else. This was hell.

It is depressing, and boring. Doing nothing all day, but getting dragged around by Negan and his men, listening to his dumbass lectures and his complaining. I hated everything at this point.

I got put into room, being watched by Dwight. Of course he didn't do shit for watching me. He just sat at a table drinking. I sat on the ground against the wall throwing a tennis ball...most interesting thing that's happened to me all week. It was getting late, and I was tired.

"Dwight." I said. He ignored me, continuing to pick at his fingernails. "Hey, dick." I said louder.

Usually I would never say anything like that to anyone. But it was Dwight...who give a crap about Dwight. Man, I've been around Negan too much.

It got his attention though. He looked up, holding his gun at me. "Want to say that again?" He snapped.

I knew he couldn't shoot me. Him and both knew. "I want to go to bed, prick." I said, standing up.

He scoffed, setting the gun down. "I don't give a fuck. Sleep on the ground."

"No...Take me to my room." I said, crossing my arms.

"Nah, I'm good sitting right here." He said, leaning back in his chair.

Okay. I can play his game.

"Okay...then I'll just go myself." I shrugged.

"Uh, no you aren't? The fuck do you think you are? You can't go anywhere by yourself after pulling your little stunt."

"Then take me to my room!" I snapped, getting frustrated.

"No. Go yourself and get your ass in trouble."

I stood there for a moment thinking. I knew if I started to leave he would follow me. I know he is terrified of Negan. I'm not. He's shown he won't lay a finger on me.

I shrugged. "Okay." I spun on my heels, and started to the door.

I waited a moment to see if he would follow me, but he just sat there. "Go on then." He scoffed.

I rolled my eyes, opening the door and walking out, slamming it behind me. I crossed my arms, stomping my way to Negan's room. But, while I was pouting I walked past the main doors. I know I'm dumb, but It gave me an idea.

I'm not really tired...I could just go walk. Negan isn't here anyway. It wouldn't harm anything.

I talked myself into. So, I slowly an quietly peeked up at the glass. Of course no one was on guard. Everyone here is a deadbeat. So, I easily just walked out like nothing.

Making my way to the woods for a harmless walk.

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