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The ride back wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be. I am an awkward person to begin with, but surprisingly Negan was good with making awkward moments not so awkward... I mean, you can't really from on the way here, but he was in a better mood now.

I on the other hand am not so much. I feel better now that he said that he would make sure I get to see the again, but other things are taking my mind away from that. I kissed Negan? Like, what hell is wrong with me? Out of all the people I could fall for, I happened to fall for the man who killed a dear friend, has taken me away from my home, and is stealing supplies from people I care about. Not to mention he is a lot older then me...and is a total dick.

It gave me a headache just thinking about all that. I couldn't even imagine what the group would say, what Rick would say. Oh god, he would kill me...I didn't even want to think about Daryl. If he was getting pissed about me having to stay with Negan, he would hate me forever if he found out about me feeling things for Negan.

I looked out the window, watching the trees we passed. Those damn trees. Trees and bushes and rocks, the same scenery that I look at every damn day. Just to see a building that wasn't Negan's or a town that wasn't Alexandria would be nice...I should stop complaining about everything.

We got back to base finally. That ride seemed like forever. Now that all that crap went down, the day was half over and I wasted it yelling at Negan and crying. Now my eyes were puffy and I had a soar throat. I hopped out of the car, Negan being greeted by his men that started to help hm unload the things in the truck. I was headed to the door when Dwight popped out of it, a smug smile on his face. I ignored him, hoping he wouldn't even look at me. He was nice at first and now he was just annoying.

"What happened? Thought you wouldn't come back alive." He scoffed quietly as he walked by.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I hissed back.

"Nothing at all. You just pissed off the giant. Most people who do that and have a private talk with Negan don't survive." He said, walking away to the truck.

I rolled my eyes, walking into the building.


I spent the rest of my day helping out and organizing and counting and managing all the supplies we just got from Alexandria. And, damn, we took a lot. I spent hours doing that and I still didn't finish. At least I will actually have something to do tomorrow.

It was dark now, and I was tired so I thought I would just head to my small, makeshift room. As I was walking, I heard my name called from down the hall behind me. I turned around to see a man with curly hair walking towards me.

"You are Kit, right?" He asked.

"Yup, what can I do for ya." I asked politely.

"Negan was looking for you earlier. He's probably sleeping but it seemed pretty urgent. Just thought I would let you know." He Shrugged, putting his hands in his front pockets.

"Okay, thank you." I smiled at him.

"Oh, I'm Mike, by the way." He sad, holding out his hand to shake. "I am always working in the medical area if you ever need anything...I kind of figured you don't really know anyone here since...ya know, he kind of forced you to be here. So..." He nervously chuckled.

I smiled. "Nice to meet you, Mike. Thank you, I appreciate it."

He smiled and nodded, and walked the other way. He was kind of cute, in a dorky way. He was the most decent person I have met so far while being here. It made me feel good knowing I knew another person here now.

I sighed, not wanting to go see Negan. I as tired and was tired of talking to Negan for the day. But, he said it seemed urgent so I thought it would be one less thing for him to yell at me for if I went. I dragged my feet, not even fully lifting my feet while walking to his room. I never kept track of time anymore, but it was very late and I was f'ing tired.

I got to his bedroom door, and lightly knocked on it. It took a few minutes for him to yell.

"What the fuck do you want?!" Of course. That's Negan for you.

"Its Kit." I barely yelled.

He didn't say anything else, but answered the door instead. When he did, he was drying his hair with a small towel, and had no shirt on. Of course he was casual about it while I blushed like and idiot.

"Where the hell have you been? Its twelve o'clock, Kit-Kat." He said, picking up a small wrist watch and throwing it down.

"...well, I was managing all the new supplies sine no one else would and then I was going to bed. Mike came and told me you wanted me." I said, yawning.

"Jesus, you look like shit. You're tired?" He chuckled while throwing the towel he was using in a corner. I tilted my head, glaring at him. "Kidding, chill out, hun." He said, sitting on the bed. "Sit." He demanded.

I rolled my eyes. "Negan, I'm going to bed-" I started to leave.

"Yeah, here. Now, take your fucking shoes off and sit. You wanted to talk earlier, now we are gunn." He said loudly. "Sit."

I sighed, taking off my shoes, and crawling over beside him where he was laying his his back against the headboard, sitting up crisscross "Good girl." He teased, patting my leg.

"What do you want to talk to me about that couldn't wait?" I said quietly.

He looked at me. "I like you." He said bluntly.

I raised an eyebrow, confused with his choice of words. "Like me? Can you elaborate on that?"

"I...Like like you." He said in a 'duh' tone.

I raised my eyebrows in shock. "What is this, 5th grade?" I scoffed. I started to laugh. "You really can't admit when you are wrong, can you, Negan? You can't say love?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Fuck. No, stop fucking laughing! I'm trying to be serious."

"You laugh at everything...so can I." I said.

I thought for a moment. Do I like like Negan? Can I say I love him? I feel very, very strong feelings for him...but could I go that far?

I looked down, fiddling with the blanket. I took along breath in. "Would you feel better if I said it first?" I asked quietly.

He just looked into my eyes, not saying anything.

"I...love you." I said proudly, feeling like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders when I did.

He looked me, opening his mouth to speak.


I pre-wrote this so I would have something to post when I didn't have internet. You know the drill, Thankies!

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