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Kit's POV

No one else came into my cell for the rest of the night after Dwight. Really, I hate to admit it to myself or to anyone for that matter, but I was really hoping Negan would show up... just to say something. Anything.

I went to sleep, not really being able to sleep that much. I didn't really do much yesterday since I was throw into my cell in the middle of the afternoon. Now my sleep schedule was all screwed up. That and I was starving. I had only had one full meal since I have been in this place. Its like, when I have the chance to eat I don't feel like eating, but when I don't get to I feel like eating.

It was super early in the morning; I only knew that because there was a small hole in the bricks above my bed where I could see enough to see sunrise. The sun was just coming up when someone came into my room, It was Negan...At least Dwight knocked. But I was completely knocked out of my thoughts when my eyes landed on Negan. He was covered in blood, holding Lucille. I quickly stood up, meeting his sad eyes.

"Negan, what did you do-" I said in a breathy tone.

He threw Lucille down. "I fucking did it for you, Kit...let me say that before I say anything else." He said, his voice shaky. I waited for him to go on. "I... killed one and I kept thinking about you and how pissed you were when I told you about them and then Sherry, and- and-"

"Wait, stop Negan...." I said, putting a hand on his arm. "What did you do..." I said. He didn't say anything. He couldn't even look me in the eyes. I then put two and two together. "Negan...don't tell me you killed those women" I said, stepping away from him.

He rubbed his eyes with the heals of his hands, drawing in a long breath. "I did...I fucking did!" He leaned  back into the wall and looked at me. "Why did I fucking do that, Kit....tell me why I killed all o my fucking wives who did nothing but were there for me to fuck? Hm?" He had a wicked smile.

I was in complete shock and was quite scared. It took me a moment to find words. "I don't know...you tell me me- why did you do that, Negan?"

"Because they were getting in the way!" He yelled, getting closer to me. "Because...because I realized that I didn't want eight wives that would fuck me when ever I damn well pleased...I wanted one stubborn, little girl who I barely fucking know." He snapped. And when he got close enough I realized he wreaked with alcohol. He was drunk.

I couldn't look at him. I couldn't tell if this was one of those times where it was the alcohol talking, or him spilling what he really wanted to say because he was drunk. I was just too scared I was the next one to be killed.

I took a deep breath in, trying to calm myself before I tried to calm him. "Negan...its ok...its going to be ok." I forced a smile. "Maybe...maybe you should go to sleep. Okay?"

"No." She shook his head and looked down. "I'm not fucking finished talking yet." He got closer to me and put both of his hands on the wall so I couldn't go anywhere. With fear, I looked into his eyes. "I fuckin feel things for you that I don't want to fucking feel...you make me completely distracted. When I am supposed to be checking in on Hilltop and getting supplies, I want to stay fucking here just because you are here. I don't want you to fucking leave my side and I don't want to leave you with any of my men. I hate it! You don't know how much I have fucking busted my balls for you...and.. I want you to be fucking mine. Kit-Kat." He had a crooked smile when he said Kit-Kat.

I drew in a sharp breath when silence took over the room. I looked down, putting my hands on his chest, slightly shoving him back so I had room to breath. Again, I didn't know if that was him of the alcohol, so I didn't bother to say anything or spill my heart out to him like he did to me because he probably wouldn't remember.

"Ok..." I breathed out. "You're pretty drunk right now and I'm sure its not past three in the morning and...you probably haven't gotten much sleep. So, how about I walk you back to your room so you can get cleaned up, put some clean close on and get some sleep. Maybe that would make you feel better?" I flashed a smile.

He didn't say anything to me, only looked down a me with bloodshot eyes.

"Oh, boy." I said to myself.

I grabbed his hand, leading him out of my cell, and started walking him down the hall. He slightly leaned on me, but not to the point where I couldn't handle it. He wasn't saying anything, so I could tell the buzz of the alcohol was wearing away.

We got to his room, and I opened the door and flicked the light on. I saw he had a pile of folded clothes on his bed that seemed fairly clean so  I handed them to him and waited for him to take a shower. I didn't wait because I was being weird, I just wanted to make sure he got into bed and wasn't going to continue to walk aimlessly around the building causing anymore deaths then he already had.

He came out with dripping hair and no shirt on. It shocked me but he seemed completely casual with it, so I tried not to say anything.

"Ok...night, Negan." I said, spinning on my heels and heading to the door.

"Stop." He said.

I cursed in my head, turning to face him. "What?" I asked.

"Stay here." I demanded, not in a question but in an order.

"Uh..." I said nervously. "...I don't know if I-"

"I'm not fucking going to rape you, or kill you or any of that shit." He snapped. "I  just want you here. Okay?" He had a harsh tone.

I hesitated a bit before walking over to the other side of the bed. He lifted the sheets for me as I slipped under them. He lightly put them over me, tucking me in as if I was a child.

I think we can all agree when I say I am shocked and confused with his side of Negan. I mean, he just killed eight women and came to me freaking out about it and crying and now he is asking me to sleep with him...and fucking tucked me  in. I mean, what would you do in a situation like this? I mean, I can't really say no to him...It might be nine women killed this morning.

I stayed on my side of the bed, or at least tried. Not long after I felt Negan sling his arm over my waist and put his face into my hair. I stayed frozen as he did so until I realized he was already in a deep sleep. I couldn't help but put my arm over his that was draped over me and held it tightly.

What I was feeling was so, so wrong. And I felt bad for feeling it.


Whoop! Two chapters in two days! That's good for me. I only did this because someone commented last chapter for me to update, so this is for you random person who I can't remember said that at this moment! But, did you guys like seeing a mooshy side to Negan? Or did you think it was weird? I personally thought I was weird... oh well, I got some Kegan fluff in there. It should get a bit more...heated in the next for chapters. AND THAT DOEN'T NESSISARILY MEAN SMUT! But who know, mwhaaahahahahahaha! SO...please vote, comment, and follow! Thankies!

P.s. That GIF though! Makes me melt lol. If you guys want to know where I get my GIFs and images, they are all from Tumblr. and if you guys want, I can make you guys covers. I love editing and making book covers so just dm if you want!

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