t h r e e

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I had pain on every inch of my body. I knew if I looked, I would have bruises colored every different color of the rainbow. I could feel two large gashes on my legs where warm blood was drying. I couldn't take much more of this, but I couldn't tell them about Alexandria. I kept think of Rick, and all of them, what he would do to them. He did say he would keep them alive if they gave him supplies. But I don't know how much we can really afford to salvage.

The men stopped beating me when Negan came into the room, which I was very relieved about.

"Are you ready to spill the beans?" Negan asked me.

I said nothing, and focused on trying to catch my breath.

"Suit yourself." He shrugged. He whistled, telling the men to leave me. "Night, night sweetheart." He said before slamming the door closed.

After that, it was pitch dark, no light at all. I couldn't even see my own hand in front of my face...that is if they weren't tied together.

My heart started pounding as I thought of a way to escape. But, I had a few problems. One, I couldn't see shit. two, my hands were tied and I can't really do a whole lot without my hands. Three, I was beaten up pretty badly and wouldn't be able to fight if I had to. But...I knew where the door was because it was across from me and I knew from seeing it open and close.

I remembered how we got to this room from the pavilion, so if I could get out of here and sneak down there I would be home free. I would just have to hope no one was on guard... I mean, anyone with a brain would have people taking watch and I am almost positive I saw people outside watching. I would be able to sneak by as long as there is no one watching the door.

So, after a small little you can do this speech, I finally was prepared to go and take the chance of getting out of here.

I stood up, being a little numb from not standing for a while and sore from the beating. I shuffled, and carefully made my way to try and find the door. When I got to the wall, I felt for the door, and found it. I took a deep breath I'm before opening the door slowly.

Why didn't they lock it?

When I did, my stomach did a flip and fell through my ass. I saw a man sitting in a chair beside the door, luckily he was asleep with a Jack Daniel's bottle and a flask beside him...he would feel that in the morning.

I sighed in relief, and looked down the hall. To my luck, no one was there. So, I quickly made my way down the hall, trying to be as quiet as I could be. Pretty soon I came upon two different hallways and I had no idea where to go.

"Shit..." I said to myself.

I took a minute to try and think of what way, but I had no clue. So I took a chance on going left...left was a good way? Right?

I lightly jogged, looking at each door window to see if it led outside. None of them did, so I must have went the wrong way. So, I spun around, and ran this time, trying to be light on my feet.

"Get the fuck out!" I heard a familiar voice yell. It was none other then Negan.

I froze, and realized it was coming from the room in front of me to my right. I quickly starts to run again when the door opened and out came a girl running who was half dressed and looked like she had been crying.

I panicked and didn't know where to go. But, before I could do anything the girl turned around and saw me. She kept out a loud gasp.

"Wait, Negan! There is a-"

"Get the fuck back to your room with the other wives! I'm not dealing with no shit tonight, for Christ sakes." Negan's voice yelled. She was about to say something again bit was cut off. "Go on, get the fuck out of here."

She them ran off the other way...damn, she was whipped. I wouldn't have just left if I was here.

I then heard loud footsteps coming up to the door, and I was too late because Negan came walking out of the door, putting his belt on...now I know why that woman was in there. Sick.

His eyes hi mine, and he didn't say anything. He casually nodded, and fixed his belt. He then faced me. "Well, mother fucker...you didn't kill him did you?" He said.

I was confused at first but then I got what he was referencing to. "Some men you have. Great job on watch, getting passed out drunk." I held up my tied hands, both giving him a sarcastic thumbs up.

He sighed, rolling up his sleeves to his black long sleeve shirt. "You are dumb as fuck. You should be scared by know, should know better then to try and leave." He laughed.

"There is a lot worse things to be afraid of then you." I said in a shaky voice.

He got closer to me, and I started to back away but he grabbed my arm. He yanked me, pressing my back to the wall, putting both hands beside my head so I couldn't move; that's when I realized how much taller he was than me.

"Look, I'm not a fan of hitting women, I just like to fuck them. But you make it really fucking hard not to fucking beat the shit out of you right now." He growled in a low tone.

I took a shaky breath in. "Go to hell." I whispered out.

He laughed again. "Hunny, hell came to us a long time ago."

"Being out in hell is a lot better then being here with you." I mumbled.

"Shit, ouch, that hurt... You know how to hurt people's feeling. But that doesn't do shit. You're all talk, you only try and hurt people with your fucking mouth. I could put that mouth to some better use." He said in my ear, making me cringe.

This next part was not too smart on my half, but really, you all know you would do the same thing.

I brought my knee right to the place where the sun don't shine. He backed up, still keeping one hand on the wall, and the other to his...well, his balls.

After a moment, he got himself together, standing up with a small smile tugging on his lips. "Ok, that was pretty good. But, I can't let you do that shit and let you get off easy. I've been pretty fucking nice to you."

He grabbed my arm, yanking me into the room he came out off. It was a fairly large room with a large bed against the wall with plain red sheets. The bedpost was wooden, along with the other furniture in the room. Two other doors were there as well, which I assumed one was a closet.

I jumped when he slammed the door shut and flicked on the light. He walked over to me with a dagger in his hand. Let's just say at this point I think I was all out of sass.

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