t w e l v e

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"Ok, I got an extra room away from my men if you want to take that. We only dish up food three times a day, sometimes two so don't fucking miss it." Negan said, walking me down a hall.

I was limping behind, trying to keep up with him. He glanced back at me when he realized I wasn't keeping up. Really, in my defense, he was a fast walker.

He stopped, giving me an impatient look. "Come on, sally. Pick it up." He said, snapping his fingers.

I couldn't. I said nothing to him, focusing on my walker, trying not to fall over. I had a hand on my stomach where I was cut and bleeding. I was having a hard time catching my breath, but I tried not to make it obvious.

I got to Negan's side, and he didn't move. He looked down at me, putting a finger under my chin, studying my face.

"Jesus, they messed you up." He said to himself. "Guess I kind of owe it to you to fix you up..."

"Don't act like you didn't do this." I mumbled out, slightly above a whisper.

"Now, now...I know you're pissed but..." He stopped, crossing his arms. "Actually there is no but." He put an arm out and one behind my back. "Come on. Let's go fix that gorgeous face of yours."

I looked at him, confused on what he wanted me to do.

"...ok, I will pick you up by myself." He grunted while lifting me up with one arm under my legs and one supporting my back.

I was surprised by this action, but I didn't do or say anything. I let it happen, I knew I needed the help and Negan was offering it.

He took me down a few halls and trough a few doors until he brought me into a room. There were a few tables in chairs in the room. He sat me in one of the tables, walking over to a cabinet. He pulled out a first aid kit.

"Alright, where is this-" He stopped when I moved my hand, shoving a puddle of blood on my shirt. "Well shit..." He said under his breath, his expression going concerned.

He motioned for me to lift it up. I lifted my sweater up, showing a long cut that went diagonal across my stomach. Negan went to touch it, but I flinched, scooting back. He looked up at me, giving me an annoyed gaze.

"You're going to have to let me help you or you're gunna bleed the fuck out. I'm not going to hurt you." He snapped.

Yeah. Maybe right now.

I settled back down, letting him look at it. He grazed his fingers softly against my skin under the wound. I held my breath, keep in my eyes on him as he did. His usual nasty grin was off of his face and he seemed genuinely concerned.

He removed his hand, going to the first aid kit. He pulled out medical tape, rubbing alcohol and gauze. He put the rubbing alcohol on a cloth, and looked at me.

"This is gunna sting, sweetheart." He said, shaking his head.

"Shit." I said to myself.

I leaned back, supporting myself up with my hand. Without warning, he put the cold cloth in my wound making it burn and sting. I flinched and clenched my first. He held it there and dabbed at it. Finally, he removed the cloth.

He got the medical tape and gauze, and covered my wound, making me feel a lot better. He then stepped back, examining his work.

"Well...any other surprises I need to take care of?" He said.

I looked down, putting down my shirt, shaking my head. I got down from the table, waiting for him to walk me to where he was going to take me. Instead we stood there for longer then I expected. I looked up at him, seeing he was starring right back at me.

"You still pissy about the kid who's eye popped out?" He chuckled.

"It happened maybe forty-five minutes ago...yes, I am still going to be upset about you killing him." I snapped.

"Look, I didn't want to kill him. They killed a hole shit load of my people, I killed one. I showed them fucking mercy. Take a look at it from my point of view, hunny. You would get pissed too if someone came into your fucking place you worked fucking hard for and killed everyone in it. You would do the fucking same." He barked.

I swallowed hard. He did have a valid point.

"So...you just let them go?" I asked hopeful.

"Oh, fuck no. The work for me now. Same shit that goes on at Hilltop, they bring me things they have."

I felt disappointment. I don't know shy I would think he would let them go. I mean, at least they get to live.

"Why can't I go home?" I said quietly.

Negan took a moment to respond. "Because you know a lot about this place now, and I don't trust your feisty ass. That and I like you. All my wives don't actually talk back like you do." He said. "Alright, enough talking. I'm fucking tired." He said.

He walked over to me, going to pick me up but I shoved him away.

"I- I can do it-"

"No you can't, I don't have fucking time to wait on you." He said, pulling me into his arms before I could say anything else.

He took me back down the halls we went down before, walking me down to a cell. There he sat me down to my feet, unlocking it. I looked inside see in a small cot and a stool. It wasn't very lean, but it was better then the room I was in before. Negan shoved me inside, leaning on the doorframe.

"Night, night, sweet cheeks." He said before slamming it shut.

I breathed in and out before sitting on the bed and breaking down. I was never going to see any of them again. Carl, Rick, Daryl. None of them. Glenn was dead and who knows about Maggie and her baby.

Shit hit the fan and left a mess.

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