e l e v e n

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I heard nothing. It was completely silent. All I could hear was my own shaky breath and the thump of mg own heartbeat. I slowly uncovered my ears when I realized there was no sound. I was expecting us to be leaving or something to happen since it didn't sound like anything was happening. But, it actually felt like I sat there for hours.

Finally, I heard a few cars drive by and men approaching the door. At that moment, about four men walked into the RV, one being Negan. He yelled at one of the men to go in the front and drive.

Negan sat down on the small couch that I was leaning my back against. He set Lucille down beside me on the floor, I glanced at it and saw it was covered in blood and had skin and hair and god knows what else stuck in the wires. It made me feel sick.

"Get off the fucking floor, you'll get a backache, sweetheart." Negan chuckled.

I couldn't even look at him. I just looked down, shaking with anger and sadness.

Negan leaned down, waving a hand in front of my face. "Hello?" He said in a mocking voice. I didn't say anything still. He leaned back, and sighed. "Don't worry. It was only one. The rest are going back to your 'town'."

My attention went to Negan. I looked up at him. "Wh- which one?" I could barely squeak out.

"Sorry, hun, gunna have to speak up." He said, putting his hands behind his head and crossing his ankles over each other.

"I said, who did you kill." I said louder.

"I don't fucking know. Asian guy."

I felt a knot in my stomach and a lump in my throat form...what about Maggie? Their baby? ...I should have been there.

"Oh, god." I said to myself, sitting back down on the floor, hugging myself.

"Oh, calm down. You're not going to-" He started to speak but I cut him off.

"When can I go back?" I asked him.

"...ya know, you are so fucking rude. Always interrupting me." Negan spat.

"Answer me..." I said sternly. Negan sat up, getting close to my face. "Please..." I said, cowering down a bit.

He grabbed my jaw, pulling my face close to his. "You're not." He growled.

I felt my heart sink. He hesitated before letting go of my face. He then sat back in his seat, saying nothing else. I started to cry again, but stayed quiet and tried to hold them back. I felt pathetic crying in front of Negan.

"You should fucking thank me." He spat.

"Thank you?" I said in disbelief.

"You're welcome, babe." He said back

"Why would I- what the hell is wrong with you? I wanted to be with them." I shot at him.

"Oh, so you wanted to watch me kill him? Oh, that's fucking sick." He started laughing after he said that.

"You're sick." I spat.

"Hey, I put you in here so you didn't have to fucking watch. Be fucking thankful I thought about you."

"Did you think about me when you were killing my friend?" I mumbled.

I scooted away from him, hugging myself again, and felt more tears roll down my cheeks, letting silence take over.

"Yeah....I did." Negan said quietly to himself. He almost sounded genuine.

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