Chapter one

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Chapter one:

*19 years later*

Kate walked into the club, wearing a blood red dress that came till her. It was the sort of dress that would have all the men ogle at her.

The high heels clicked and clacked on the floor and she looked at her target. He was sitting in the booth alone, but Kate spotted a bulky man roaming around him.

She ran a hand through her hair, and slowly made her way to where he sat; she slowly moved her hips to the beat of the music, just to get his attention.

Kate reached the booth, but was stopped by the bulky man who she presumed was his body guard. The statement was right; ‘with great power comes great responsibility.’ The guy was the most wanted in Aurelia.

‘’come on, I just want to have a word with him.’’ Kate said all while maintaining an eye contact with the person behind this gorilla.

The gorilla man turned around as if to ask if it were okay for Kate to meet him, he nodded. She swayed her hips passed the gorilla and sat down next to him.

‘’hi there!’’ Mr. Manson said to Kate. ‘’what’s your name?’’

‘’ hi, I’m Olivia.’’ She batted her eye lashes at him. He smiled.

‘’it’s nice to meet you, Olivia.’’

‘’you’re a hard man to find, Mr. Manson.’’

‘’oh please, call me Joe. For you, I’d be around.’’ He winked at her. Right on cue, she thought, he was warming up to her. She smiled brightly at him. He leaned forward and raised his hand to grab hers. This was it, this is what she had needed to do.

With one swift movement, she grabbed his hand and twisted it behind his back, with her free hand she shoved his head to the table.

‘’hey!’’ shouted the gorilla, he charged towards her, when he got close she kicked him in the stomach, with enough force to make him fall.

She reached for hand cuffs that were strapped around her thigh along with her gun and cuffed Mr. Manson up. She bent down and whispered in his ear; ‘’Mr. Manson you are under arrest.’’

The gorilla stood up and was ready to attack her. ‘’I wouldn’t do that if I were you.’’ She said to him.

He gave her a smirk and charged at her one more time. She moved Mr. Manson on the side and punched the guard in the nose, then grabbed his arm and pulled him down.

‘’I told you, I wouldn’t do that if I were you.’’ She smiled at him. She saw movement in the crowd, it was a sign that told her that back up was here.

Right on cue, Nathan and his partner Mike reached her. ‘’there is this bulky guy there, you might want to get to him first. I’ll take him to the car’’ they both nodded.

A black sedan was parked at the exit. Special agents Feller and McCarty got out and took Joe from her hand.

‘’thank you.’’  Kate said to them.

‘’we have orders for you. They need you back at the department, now.’’ Kate huffed, and she thought she was going to get a good night’s sleep tonight. She nodded and got into her car and drove to the familiar area.

She entered the base, it seemed like everyone was waiting for her, because as soon as the elevator doors opened everyone started clapping.

She smiled, just to hide her confusion. She reported to her superior, a lady in her mid forty’s with black hair that were pulled in a bun at the back of her head.

‘’ah, Special agent Stronghold. I would like to thank you for the excellent work you did today. We have been after that man for years. So thank you.’’  Said special agent Specter.

‘’does that mean I get to have the day off tomorrow?’’ Kate asked teasingly.

‘’very funny, I don’t think that’s possible, you’re the finest agent we have. And if you repeat what I said I will deny it.’’

‘’well, we don’t want that now do we?’’

‘’no we do not.’’ Valerie said smiling at Kate.

‘’anyway is that all?’’ Kate asked moving to get on her feet. It was clear that the two women had some sort of history together but they both made sure that they maintained a professional behaviour at work.

‘’ Actually no, as you know that the university semester starts in a week, the prime minister’s son is going to attend as well.’’

‘’why are you telling me this?’’

‘’well, you’ve been assigned to protect the son. They asked for you specially.’’ She said handing Kate a file.

‘’let me get this straight, you’re asking me to baby sit a rich boy because his father asked?’’ Kate asked crossing her hands across her chest.

‘’yes that is exactly what I am asking you. This way you can also study, and that will do you good, I mean, it will be less dangerous than what you did tonight.’’

‘’really? Okay, fine. I’ll come in tomorrow so we can go over it.’’ She turned to leave. As she reached to open the door, Valerie said.

‘’oh and Kate, it’s an order.’’ She smirked at the 19 year old girl who just huffed.

As Kate drove to her apartment, she fingered the necklace around her neck. She had had it ever since she could remember and she had a strong attachment to it. She didn’t know why but she did and that was all that mattered to her.

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