Chapter ten

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Chapter ten:

Mathew and Kate were seated in Mathew’s car waiting for the signal. They both had their ear pieces in and both of them were silent. It was something they did before going on a mission.

‘’all systems are go!’’ James voice sounded through the ear piece. The basement parking of the hotel was silent, only the sound of their footsteps followed them.

They both got on the elevator and stood still. They both were dressed in casual clothes, so they wouldn’t draw any attention. Their guns were hidden, Mathew had one on his ankle and one in the waist band of his jeans, Kate had both her guns on her thigh, hidden under the dress she had on.

‘’are you ready, kid?’’ he asked when the elevator stopped at the lobby. She nodded, ‘’as ready as I’ll ever be.’’

They both walked off the elevator casually, but they were attentive at all times. From the corner of her eye she saw her team mates, one was dressed as the waiter, and one was dressed as the customer. Everywhere she looked she saw familiar faces, which calmed her nerves a little.

As they made their way to the other elevator, Kate saw Valerie sitting by the pool looking over. She smiled and kept walking.

Victor was on the top floor, which was good because they needed to take Victor to the holding by the helicopter.

‘’okay, I’m going to go this way, I’ll get in from the balcony, you use the vents.’’ Mathew said backing up.

‘’why can’t I use the balcony?’’ she asked.

‘’because I’m too big to fit into the vents.’’ He gave her a flat look when she made a face.

‘’oh, sorry. I forget that you’re not a normal human being but rather a giant!’’ she joked and walked the other way. ‘’see you on the other side.’’ She said smiling at him, he mock saluted him.

She saw the cleaning lady leaving a room, but before the room door shut she jammed her foot in the door. She quietly got into the hotel room and searched for a vent.

There was one on the roof of the living room. She looked around to see something that could help her get up. She saw a shelf that looked like it could be moved and went ahead to move it. Once it was placed under the vent, she picked up the room phone and died for housekeeping.

‘’hi, I’m speaking from room 626 and I was wondering if someone could help me, you see, my mother has a habit of rearranging furniture and she moved one of the shelves in the middle of the room and then she left it like that, and now I need someone to move it back for me. I’m leaving as well but if someone can have that done while I’m gone it would be great.’’ Kate said hurriedly. Someone said that it would not be a problem.

Once that was settled she took a paper and a pencil and wrote down thank you across it and folded it with some money inside, she left it on the shelf and after that she climbed up and into the vent.

She shut the vent so no one would suspect that she was in there. ‘’Katherine to Mathew, I repeat, Katherine to Mathew. I’m in the vent.’’

‘’good job, James will help you with directions, I’ll wait here for you.’’ Mathew’s voice crackled.

‘’James, buddy. You there?’’ she said quietly.

‘’yes Katherine, I’m here. Okay so keep going straight.’’

Kate crawled forward and stopped when she saw that there were two ways to go. ‘’now turn left.’’ She did as she was told. After a couple of turns here and there she was finally above Victor’s room.

‘’Mathew, I’m here.’’ She whispered. She was at the vent above his bedroom. He was still asleep, she noticed a woman sleeping next to him.

‘’I’m at the balcony.’’

‘’copy that. Val, where is Rachel?’’ Kate asked.

‘’she’s waiting for you in the living room.’’

‘’James, direct me to the living room.’’ Kate said and moved along the directions and lifted the vent and dropped down on her feet.

Rachel stood there next to the balcony door; she had opened it for Mathew.

‘’ah, we made it to the other side.’’ Mathew whispered.

‘’not so fast, we still have to catch him.’’ Kate said, going around the apartment searching for something.

‘’you guys look upstairs.’’ Kate said while she searched downstairs. They had to make sure there wasn’t anything in the hotel room before they attacked. The hotel room was a pent house, which meant that they had to work fast but with the three of them, they could hopefully look before victor woke up.

‘’all clear.’’ Kate said, before anyone of them could reply, Kate heard a low chuckle from behind her, that chuckle that she had learned to hate.

‘’I was getting worried, but I knew you’d come visit me!’’ Victor’s low voice sounded a little too close.

‘’back off Victor!’’ Kate said turning around and facing him. ‘’stand down’’ she said through her ear piece, she wanted to talk to him before she would arrest him.

‘’Kate, don’t do this.’ Valerie’s voice sounded.

‘’I said stand down.’’ She said when she saw Mathew pointing his gun at victor.

‘’Mathew listen to her.’’ Val said, Mathew backed up but didn’t lower his gun that was fine with Kate.

‘’ah, I love how they listen to you.’’ Kate shifted her eyes to Victor’s face, his disgusting face, the scar on his cheek reminded her how close she had gotten to him last year, because she had made that scar from hitting him with his gun.

‘’Victor, you’re still the same, disgusting man’’ Kate spat those words out.

‘’what can I do, sweetie. Had to remain the same so you could recognize me.’’ He said leaning against the wall. Kate flinched at the word sweetie like she always did.

‘’ah, you’re also the same as you were last year, you will always remain the same in my eyes Kid.’’ Victor said softly. Kate shuddered.

‘’you lost the privileged to call me that a long time ago’’ she said taking a step closer to him.

‘’what, now I can’t call my own kid, kid?’’ Victor said, Kate heard a gasp through her ear piece but she ignored it. She took a step closer to him, they were face to face.

‘’no you can’t, you want to know why, because I am not your kid.’’ After that everything happened fast.  Kate kicked him in the knee, making him fall to the floor and landed a punch on his face, she was satisfied when she heard a cracking sound. She kicked him on the neck and he fell face first on the ground groaning in pain.

‘’cuff him!’’ she said to Mathew, she lowered herself to face Victor. ‘’this is what you get for putting me through what you did.’’ With that she got up and let Mathew take him to the helicopter.

Valerie showed up at the door and watched Kate, who was leaning against the wall, with her eyes closed.

‘’you did well!’’ Valerie said to her, grabbing her punching hand in order to check for any injuries.

The paramedic looked at her hand and wrapped it up. ‘’I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.’’ Kate said to Val.

‘’it’s not something you want to talk about and I respect that.’’ She smiled at her.

‘’come on, let’s get going.’’ Valerie said walking ahead of her. ‘’let have something to eat.’’

She nodded and walked next to her, the rest of the team joined them for lunch. It was the first time that Kate felt a certain way. A way she had not felt ever. A feeling of freedom and safety.

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