Chapter eight

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Chapter eight:

Around midnight a knock sounded on the door to the room Kate was staying in. She was sitting in front of the window in some pyjamas and a sweat shirt.

She walked slowly towards the door and opened it; Jonathan had his back toward the door, as if he was leaving. When the door opened Jonathan turned around.

‘’hey, you’re still up?’’ he asked more than saying. Kate nodded and asked if he needed something.

‘’I was going out, just to get away from the house and thought that I would ask you to come with me, it’s okay if you’re tired.’’

‘’no no, I’ll come!’’ she said and asked him to give her a minute. She changed into some jean shorts and shoved her gun into the shorts, and covered it with a thin sweater. Before she grabbed her shoes she grabbed her badge and put it in her shorts.

She opened the door with one shoe in one hand and one on her foot. Jonathan smiled at her brightly and grabbed her elbow to help her wear the shoe.

‘’let’s go!’’ she said and walked next to each other.

‘’where are we going?’’ she asked when they sat in his car.

‘’I’ll make you try the best pizza that I know of in Aurelia.’’ He said smiling at her, she nodded and they drove in silence.

The kingdom lights shown bright, it was Saturday night and it was full of life. Jonathan parked the car and cut the ignition. ‘’do you mind walking?’’ he asked

‘’not at all!’’ Kate got out of the car and both of them walked towards the pizza parlour. The pizza parlour was about six or seven stairs above. They both climbed the stairs and saw that the parlour was packed with people but they managed to find a seat for themselves.

After putting the order they both settled into their seats. Kate was leaning on the table, fingering the can in front of her.

‘’how did you like the party?’’ Jonathan asked, leaning forward as well.

‘’it was fun, it was different from what I normally do, so it was an experience.’’ She sat smiling as if she was remembering the night.

‘’I’m glad you had fun!’’                            

‘’of course I did, so thank you for taking me along!’’

He smiled at her and before he could say anything the waiter brought their food to their table, they both said thank you and started eating. Kate was shocked that she hadn’t tried this before because it was indeed the best one she had had so far!

‘’hmm, this is delicious!’’ she said in between bites.

‘’I told you!’’

‘’new favourite thing to have from now on!’’ she joked.

After eating and paying for the food they walked outside, Kate suddenly remembered that she left her phone on the table.

‘’you go down, I’ll run and get my phone.’’ Jonathan nodded and went down the steps. Since the parlour was packed Kate must have taken five to ten minutes to return, as she exited the parlour she shoved her phone into her pocket. She heard some shouts from below the steps, she leaned over the banister and looked down, five men were circling Jonathan and one of them was about to punch him.

Kate, without thinking, jumped from the banister and landed on her feet. ‘’back off!’’ she said when she reached, but she was a little late. The hulking guy had already punched Jonathan on the jaw and Jonathan was trying to gain balance. Once he had his balance he attacked back, throwing one punch after another.

Kate went and pushed one of the guys away from him who slapped her across her face. She smiled at him and said: ‘’didn’t your mother teach you never to hit a lady!’’ when she said the world lady she landed a kick in his groin and let him fall to the floor.

While Jonathan was fighting the two hulking men, Kate took care of the other two, they weren’t gentle. They also attacked back. One of the guys was standing in front of her and one was behind her, she pulled the guy behind her on top of the other on, leaving them both lying on the floor.  She looked at her sweater which was torn from the shoulder. ‘’come on, this was new!’’ she said but right now her worry was Jonathan.

Before she could do anything the sirens were heard. They men made a run for it, leaving Kate and Jonathan standing looking guilty.

They were about to run but the police officer stopped them, ‘’I wouldn’t run if I were you.’’ He said, ‘’both of against the car and hands behind your head.’’

Both of them obediently stood against the car, while the police officer checked them for anything possession. The officer pulled Kate’s gun out and signalled towards the other officer.

‘’both of you are under arrest for public violence and possession of ammunition.’’ He said and cuffed both of them up. ‘’ you have the right to remain silent, anything you say will be held against you.’’ With that the officer pushed them into the patrol car.

‘’ now what?’’ Jonathan asked, under the street lights his bruises were becoming evident.

‘’now we go into holding, and hopefully they will find my badge and we can leave without any charges!’’ Kate said quietly.

‘’no talking in the back seat!’’ the voice of the officer boomed!

Kate sighed, her cheek was stinging for the blows of the fight, and she would know the damage when they got out of holding.

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