Chapter eighteen

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Chapter eighteen:

Jonathan looked over at the passenger seat and saw his sister crying.

‘’Anna, you have to calm down, we’re safe now.’’

‘’I know but Kate isn’t!’’ she said letting out a sob. Jonathan looked at his sister again and saw her genuine concern for Kate.

He stopped the car about ten minutes from the warehouse, they were on the highway.

Chris took the phone from his pocket and dialled the number to the base.

‘’M17, badge number?’’ a male voice asked.

‘’I’m calling from Katherine Stronghold’s phone, she is in danger and you guys need to send back up. Now!’’ he said, his voice shaking.

‘’one moment.’’ With that the line was connected to somewhere, someone picked up.

‘’Valerie Specter!’’ Valerie said.

‘’Valerie, it’s Jonathan, Kate is in danger.’’ That was all he needed to say in order for Valerie to understand.

‘’stay where you are, we’ll be there in no time.’’


Kate woke up, her head pounding. She was disorientated and groggy and she had no idea where she was.

All she knew was that she was tied to a chair, her feet and hands both. She looked around and saw there was a table about six steps from her.

A single light bulb was tied with electric wire above her head. She heard footsteps and saw a silhouette.

‘’tell boss, she’s up and seems ready!’’ someone’s voice sounded. Kate’s first initial instinct was to freak out, which caused her to free herself from the hand cuffs which made the situation worse.

She took a deep breath and calmed down. She looked around for something that could help her and then she heard something in her ear.

‘’Katherine?’’ someone said urgently. She looked around to see who it was but she couldn’t see anyone.

‘’she had the ear piece in last time I talked to her, I can hear something but I don’t know what it is.’’ It all came back to her, her ear piece, she still had it in.

‘’James, I’m here. I don’t think I have enough time but I need you to do something and send some people here.’’

‘’oh thank goodness Katherine.’’ James sounded relieved.

‘’I’m alive but not for long, are Jonathan and Anna alright?’’  She whispered.

‘’they are fine, I’m tracking the ear piece now for you location. Victor moved you from the warehouse knowing Jonathan might come back.’’

‘’hurry!’’ she sounded a little desperate.

That was all she could communicate for because Victor walked toward her and smiled.

‘’you’re finally awake!’’ he came close and touched her face making her pull away from him.

‘’what, can’t I even show affection now?’’ he said moving toward the table.

Kate watched him like a hawk, she saw his every movement. He opened a bag that one of his gorillas’s handed him and took out a smaller bag.

‘’I’m going to have so much fun today!’’ he smirked at her; he opened the smaller bag and took out some stuff which Kate couldn’t make out.

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