Chapter twenty three

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Chapter twenty three:

‘’hey Beautiful!’’ Jonathan’s voice sounded above her head, she moved on her bed and turned to look at him. he stood next to her bed with a tray in his hand.

‘’is it my birthday?’’ she asked sitting up.

‘’no it’s not!’’ he laughed and laid the tray on her lap.

‘’then? What’s all this for?’’ she ran a hand through her hair.

‘’I don’t need a reason to make you breakfast in bed!’’ he said, sitting down next to her.

‘’how’d you get in, anyway?’’ she asked him taking a bite from the eggs on her plate.

‘’I snuck in the back door. But your dad saw me so I had to tell him why I was here which led to a big lecture on me treating you right.’’ He said sounding scared making her laugh.

‘’that’s funny!’’

‘’it’s really not when you’re in my spot, your dad can be really scary when it comes to you!’’

‘’right of course.’’

‘’so you sleep okay?’’

‘’yeah I slept just fine!’’

‘’by the way, your mom is going to be coming in any minute now.’’

‘’what did you do?’’ she asked putting the fork on the plate.

‘’why do you assume I did something?’’

‘’because I was sleeping so I couldn’t have done anything.’’

‘’you do have a good point, but no, I didn’t do anything. Tonight is the ball, they are coming in to find you a dress.’’

‘’hide me!’’ she said, taking a sip of the juice.

‘’I wish I could help, but I just thought that since you’ll be busy today you should have a full stomach.’’

Kate smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek. ‘’thank you!’’

The door opened and in walked the queen with Jonathan’s mother. ‘’great! You’re awake!’’

‘’what are you doing here?’’ Jonathan’s mother asked.

‘’I was just leaving.’’ He said, kissing Kate on her forehead and grabbing the tray. ‘’I’ll see you later.’’

‘’alright, get up, your dresses will be here any minute now.’’ Anna and Aurora walked in and sat on the bed.

‘’let me just use the bathroom.’’ Kate got up and walked into the bathroom; she tied her hair in a bun and washed her face. She looked down at her shorts and Jonathan’s t-shirt that she was wearing and decided not to change since she would be trying on dresses in any case. She noticed her tattoo showing from the big shirt.

‘’Katherine?’’ her mother sounded on the door.

‘’come in’’ she said

‘’are you okay?’’

‘’yes, I’m fine.’’ She said, pulling her shirt in place.

‘’sure?’’ her mother knew something was bothering her.

‘’I have a tattoo on my shoulder, and if I wear a dress it’s visible!’’

‘’show it to me.’’ Her mother said casually.

Kate took off the shirt and her mother inspected the tattoo. ‘’this is beautiful which is why you should show it to the world.’’

‘’won’t they judge?’’

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