Chapter twenty four

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Chapter twenty four:

‘’Princess Katherine Grace also known as the lost princess made an incredible appearance last night at the ball. A resource said that she was just like her parents, she also had the ability to light up the room like they did.’’ Was the headline of the Aurelia ledger; Kate snorted as she read through it.

Her parents were sitting across from her eating their breakfast. ‘’didn’t I tell not read such stuff?’’ Aurora said from her right side.

‘’you did but come on, this is funny!’’ she said handing her the paper.

‘’we were asked who the girl next to Jonathan was, the girl with the Cherry blossom tattoo, well now we have our answer. It’s none other than the Princess herself. We must point out that they make an amazing couple and we hope they stay together for a really long time because Aurelia would love to see more of them.’’ Aurora read out loud, laughing alongside her sister.

‘’yeah, it really is funny.’’

The queen took the newspaper and folded it next to her, ‘’finish your breakfast, girls! We have a lot to do!’’ she said, making the girls look at the king.

‘’don’t look at me, I also have to do as she says.’’  He said, taking the sip from his tea.

The girls nodded and went back to eating their food. Kate saw Eva come into the dining room. ‘’hey Eva!’’ she greeted her making the girl stop in her tracks.

‘’stop scaring everyone, Katherine!’’ her father joked.

‘’I’m sorry, Eva. What’s up?’’

‘’ah, this came in the parcel for you, I thought I’d give it to you!’’

‘’oh thank you so much!’’ she said as she took the parcel.

She opened the parcel and stopped in her tracks. It was a box of photo albums, with a note on top. She grabbed the note and read it.

‘’Dearest Kathy,

I know that you don’t want to hear from me or see me but I think I have to give this to you because you are finally re-united with your family and they have to have some piece of your childhood whether they missed it or not. I am really sorry for the way my son treated you and I am sorry for not being there to protect you. Just remember that I will always love you, no matter what!

Love Grandma Claire’’

Kate looked up to see her family looking at her with concern; she diverted her gaze back at the box and took out about ten photo albums.

‘’these are for you.’’ She said to them, moving to get up.

‘’are you okay?’’ her mother asked.

‘’actually no, but I need to do something.’’ With that she moved out of the room and went to get ready.

Kate drove back to the apartment and knocked on the door. Jonathan walked out all dressed.

‘’hey Katie, you okay?’’

‘’I’m okay, I need you for something.’’

‘’sure, anything.’’

‘’can you come with me to meet someone?’’

‘’of course, let me get my shoes.’’ He left to get his shoes; Kate leaned against the door frame and waited for him.

Kate and Jonathan stood outside a nursing home, Kate had a feeling of nostalgia hit her. she smiled and walked inside, breathing in the smell.

She walked up to the reception desk and said, ‘’hi, I’m looking for a Claire Mansell?’’ the receptionist looked up and smiled, obviously having recognized Kate.

‘’of course, follow me. Claire hasn’t received many guests and I’m sure she will be happy to see you.’’ She said and walked toward the balcony.

Kate saw Claire, sitting on a chair facing the view of the lake. ‘’Marie, you have visitors!’’ the nurse said and left them alone. Claire turned around and when she saw Kate her eyes teared up.

‘’you came to see me!’’ she exclaimed as she got up from her seat.

‘’of course I did!’’ she said hugging her.

‘’I can’t believe it!’’

‘’me neither!’’ they sat down and Claire looked at Jonathan.

‘’oh, grandma this is Jonathan, my boyfriend.’’ She said holding his hand.

‘’he’s a nice looking fella, isn’t he?’’

‘’yes he is!’’ Kate blushed.

They sat and talked for what seemed like hours, Claire and Kate told Jonathan the stories of Kate’s childhood which made Jonathan even more confused.

‘’I saw you on TV last night.’’

‘’that’s weird.’’

‘’didn’t I always tell you that you would end up on TV?’’

‘’of course you did, and I didn’t believe you.’’ Kate smiled at the memory.

Soon it was time for them to go, Kate walked back to the car and sat in the passenger seat, ‘’what? You’re letting me drive?’’

‘’of course I am, don’t look so shocked.’’

He sat in the car and turned the ignition on, ‘’I’m confused.’’

‘’about me letting you drive the car?’’

‘’no, about your visit here?’’

‘’oh that, well that was Victor’s mother and she was the reason I survived those 8 years, she would always protect me when Victor did something but then Victor put her in a home when I was six and she couldn’t protect me anymore, so I was obviously mad at her but today I received albums of my childhood and Claire was the only one who actually made sure I had memories!’’


‘’I know, she tried contacting me a while back but I was still mad at her. I don’t know if it was closure I needed or what but in had to meet her before it was too late!’’

‘’It was a good thing to do!’’ he said, smiling at her.

‘’thank you for coming along.’’

‘’anything for you!’’ he replied.

Kate stared ahead, she had finally got the closure that she had needed, she felt like a whole different person and maybe that would do her some good.

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