Chapter 1

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Jay's p.o.v
My hands clenched the golden nun-chuck and I swung them at the oncoming enemies. Scattered voices made their way through the noise and confusion.

"...Too many!"

"Get out of...!"

"We need to...!"

Beep Beep Beep

I groaned and swatted blindly at my alarm clock. I'd been having weird dreams lately, but I couldn't remember the details. Images and voices swarm in my head, but I couldn't quite make out what they were.

Beep Beep Beep

"Ugggg" I groaned as I sat up and turned My alarm clock off. I got ready for school and with a quick goodbye to My parents I slung My backpack over my shoulder and rode my bike to school, which was in town close to his parent's junk yard.

Nya's p.o.v

"Kai! Get up! You're going to be late
and I'm not waiting for you!" I shouted. Kai appeared next to me with bedhead and a crooked jacket.

"I'm ready!" Said Kai

"You look like a mess." I said

Kai shrugged and grabbed his backpack  and a black duffle bag that was lying by the door and then we began walking to school.

Kai's p.o.v

It took us a good 20 minutes to walk to the nearest town where the school was, the blacksmith shop wasn't doing so well without our dad, so we couldn't afford to go buy a car. However, we never seemed to get that tired walking .

Cole's p.o.v

I rushed passes my dad with a piece of toast in my mouth, I rifled through papers on the kitchen counter, tossing anything I didn't need to the side. Cole took the price of toast out of his mouth and asked.

"Dad have you seen my music folder? I need it for choir." I said

"Is it already in your backpack." Said dad

"No I already- GOT IT!" I raised the folder above my head triumphantly until I heard a car honking outside.

"Tiffany's here!" Called my dad

"I'm coming!" I shouted

I stuffed the folder into my backpack, took a last bite of my toast, and the rushed out the door.

Zane's p.o.v

I woke up to the sound of my falcon cawing. I sat up and stretched, my pet swooping over to perch in my arm.

"Good morning." I said cheerfully

I quickly got ready for the day. Then I made myself cereal look around my apartment, which I had rented to be close to school.

"Something doesn't feel quite right..." I said to myself. It feels like it should be louder at breakfast."

I knew that was ridiculous, it was only him and his falcon that lived there, so it was never that loud. Still, he felt like there should be laughter and horsing around.

I shook the thought from my head and started walking to school with my falcon.

"I will see you after school." I said as the falcon swooped away

I wasn't worried about him flying away, the falcon always came back. In fact it wasn't really mine I didn't get it from a store, it just started following me around everywhere.

Lloyd's p.o.v

I sighed and sat next to my uncle at the table on the destiny's bounty.

"It's been months uncle and we still haven't found anything. I said

"Have faith." Said Wu as he placed a hand on Lloyd's shoulder. "We will find a way to help them."

I nodded, though I didn't look convinced.

"I wonder what it's like you know forgetting you're a ninja. I bet there are all bored with there normal life's." I said

Hey guys what do you think so far I'm so excited the new season of ninjago is coming out today and Sorry to all our band people out there I put Cole in choir sense I do choir and I don't know anything about band anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Nya5555 out
A ninja never quits

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