Chapter 35 Let us help

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Kai's P.o.v

My friends and I were out to lunch when I saw Lloyd.

"Lloyd!" I Shouted

He turned to look then he smiled but then his smile turned to a frown and he started to walk again.

"Lloyd!" I Shouted again

This time he didn't acknowledge me and kept walking.

"What's up with him?" I asked

"I don't know, maybe we should check on him. He seemed pretty sad." Said Nya

We then started walking to Lloyd. He turned his head slightly and then when he saw us started walking faster.

"Lloyd! Come back!" Shouted Cole

He ignored him. I then ran in front of Lloyd.

"Dude what the heck? We're trying to talk to you. We know you heard us, so why are you ignoring us?" I asked

He walked around me. I then grabbed his arm. He mumbled something but I couldn't hear what he said.

"What did you say?" I asked

"Let go!" He Exclaimed

"No! Not until you explain why you're acting like this." I Said

He tried to pulled his arm out of my hand and he probably would have ran off if Cole didn't grab his other arm.

"Lloyd, what's going on?" Asked Cole in a soft voice

"You're not acting like yourself." Said Cole

"You Guys never knew me long enough to know what I act like. Even if you did you wouldn't remember, and if you did know, you'd probably end up forgetting anyways!" Shouted Lloyd

Then tears started running down his face.

Nya pulled him in for a hug and then he started sobbing.

"Lloyd," said Zane as he put his hand on Lloyd's shoulder, "please my friend tell us what's troubling you."

"I'm..... fine." Said Lloyd in between sobs

"Your tears say other wise." I Said

"I'm not crying.... your crying." Said Lloyd

I chuckled a bit.

"Look... I need to go." Said Lloyd pulling away from the hug.

I then pulled him into another hug.

"Your not going anyway till you tell us what's wrong." I Said

"Nothings wrong." Said Lloyd

"Lloyd please this isn't you, your not yourself. Please tell us what's wrong so we can help you." Said Zane

"I'll tell you later." Said Lloyd

"Promise?" I Said

Lloyd looked up from the ground with a smile on his face and said, "promise."

I then let him go. He then walked away.

"Wow... I've never seen him like that." Said Nya

"I know... it's like he reached his breaking point." Said Cole

"He better tell us what's wrong." I Said

"He will." Said Zane

"How do you know?" I asked

"We may not have known him long but we've known him long enough to know that he'll keep his word." Said Zane

Wu's P.o.v

I was meditating was Lloyd walked in.

"Hello Lloyd," I Said, "How was your walk."

"I did something bad...." Said Lloyd looking at the ground

"What did you do?" I asked

"I don't know if I'm ready to tell you yet." Said Lloyd

"It's okay Lloyd. You can tell me whenever you're ready, as long as it's not important." I Said

Lloyd looked like we was questioning himself.

"Thanks Uncle." Said Lloyd

He then walked to his room.


ninja never quit

Nya5555 out

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