Chapter 2

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Jay- Drama club, robotic
Cole- Choir, Football
Zane- Show choir, robotics
Kai- Basketball, Choir
Nya- Softball
Cole's p.o.v
Me and Tiffany were rushing down the dhall we were late for choir.

"I told you not to stop at your locker." Said Tiffany

"Well I'm sorry I had to grab a pencil." I said

"Well because you did were late for choir." Said Tiffany

"Why do we even need pencils for choir." I said

"Because Mrs.Klosterman wants us to measure our music." Said Tiffany

We stopped because we need to catch our breaths then we continued running. I turned to Tiffany was about to say something when I ran into someone knocking us both down.

"Sorry I wasn't looking were I was going." I said

"It's okay." Said the stranger

I offered my hand to help him up.

"My names Cole." I said

"Kai." Said

"Cole we gotta go." Said Tiffany

"I guess I'll see you around." Said Kai

"Bye." I said

When we got to choir we heard they were already warming up. When we walked in they all stopped.

"Cole, Tiffany why are you late." Said Mrs.Klosterman

"I'm sorry it's my fault I had to grab a pencil from my locker." I said

"Just don't let it happen again now get in your sections." Said Mrs.Klosterman

I got into the tenor section while Tiffany went to the soprano section.

"Okay class as you know our concert is coming up this Wednesday so we must get as much practice in as we can." Said Mrs.Klosterman

Don't skip brought till after choir brought to you by Cake😃

Jays's p.o.v

"Any one wanna join robotics." I said

It was in between classes and I had to hand out flyers for robotics club. We were short 1 member and we needed 1 more person got the club right now it was me, Stephanie, Logan, and Beth but we needed five and so far no one wanted to join. I was about to give up when some girl came up to me she had short black hair and wore a red kimono. She's beautiful I thought to myself.

"When do you guys meet." Said the girl

"After school on Tuesdays at 6:00." I said

"Oh sorry I can't join I have softball and then I have to go to my brothers basketball practice." Said the girl

"That's okay." I said

"I'm Nya." Said Nya

"Jay." I said

"Nice to meet you Jay." Said Nya

"Nice to meet you to." I said

"Well I gotta go class is about to start." Said Nya

"Bye." I said

"Bye." Said Nya

I grabbed my Math text book and went to class.

Time skip till after math

Zane's p.o.v
I was heading off to the choir room because I was trying out for show choir.  The teacher was only taking 12 people and 20 was trying out so I was going to have to make his count. I was the first to audition.

Zane's audition is the video above.

"Okay class I have picked the people for show choir go look at the paper by the door to see if you made it."Said Mrs.Klosterman

When I looked at the poster I saw the Jen, Anna, Paige, Ellie, Nichole, Allison, Adam, Max, Ross, Barney, Chris, and me. I got in I'm so happy.

Jay's p.o.v
It was after school I was about to walk home when I saw someone standing by a tree. I decide to go say hi to him.

"Hi." I said

"Hello." Said the guy

"I'm jay." I said

"Zane." Said Zane

I knew this was gonna be a little straight forward but I had to ask Zane.

"You wanna join robotics." I said

"Sure I have this weird feeling were suppose to be friends." Said Zane

"Okay well we meet after school on Tuesdays at 6:00." I said

"Okay I'll see you torrmorw." Said Zane

"Bye." I said

"Bye." Said Zane

Kai's p.o.v

"So Nya how was school today." I said

"Great I met this boy named Jay." Nya

"That's cool." I said

"Hey you wanna know what you should do." Said Nya

"What." I said

"You should join Choir." Said Nya

"Why." I said

"Because you have a great voice." Said Nya

"I would but the choir concert is this Wensday." I said

"Well what if I could find  someone who could help you lark the music." Said Nya

"If you could I'll join choir but if not I'll just wait until after the choir concert." I said

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter all the ninja are in different clubs the clubs there in are above in case you didn't see bye I love you all

A ninja never quits

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