Chapter 45 Alone

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Jay's P.O.V

I woke up with a pounding headache. As I opened my eyes I could see I was in a cell. I looked around to try and get a better understanding of my surrounding. I tried to search my head for any memories of what happened but it only resulted in my head pounding even more. Icicles we're hanging from the ceiling and chains were clinging to my arms.

There was no windows, just a single door, with no bars. The only source of light I had was the light creeping in through the cracks of the door. I do not remember how I got here; I do not remember much of anything at all. Suddenly, the door opened.

"Hello there."

"Where am I?" I asked

In response they took a step closer to me.

My eyes widened, through the darkness I manged to see they had a crow bar.

"My friends will come for me!" I shouted

He chuckled

"They will not, and I am going to make sssssure you know that."

He smiled

"Come on in boysssss."

I started shaking and backed up into the wall.

"H-hey, you better not mess with me." I said voice trembling

"Or elsssse what?" Mocked the snake

"I will use my powers on you." I said

They all busted out laughing.

"Oh that issss a good one."

"You can not even usssse your powerssss without usss."

I lowered my head in defeat.

"Enough laughing! Let ussss sssshow him what it meanssss to have no one to count on."

They started getting closer to me

"N-no! Stay back." I shouted

They did not listen and continued to walk closer to me.

Cole's P.O.V

If I were a snake where would I hide? I tried searching everywhere on the surface but was unable to find anything. Unless... that is it! They must be under the surface. But where would I even start to look?

I have been searching all over for the past day, but have not had any luck. I can only image that Lloyd and the others have noticed I am gone and are searching for me. I will have to keep moving so they do not find me.

I went to start searching elsewhere when somebody tackled me to the ground.

I opened my eyes to see Lloyd

"Do not ever do that again!" He shouted

I smiled sheepishly.

"Heh sorry." I said

He glared at me for a second before getting off of me and then helping me up. I looked around and saw the others in their GI's.

"I am surprised you actually let them come with." I said

"Yeah, well, they wanted to help find you." Said Lloyd

I smiled

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned my head to see Zane.

"Cole, we are a team, you can not just run off like that." Said Zane

I sighed

"I know I am just really worried about him." I said

"We all are, but running away on your own is not going to find him any quicker." Said Kai

"Especially when you do not know where he could be." Said Nya

"I am sorry guys." I said

"It is okay, all is forgiven." Said Zane

I smiled

"Now, let us find Jay." Said Lloyd

"Do you have any idea where he could be?" I asked

"I have a few places in mind." Lloyd said with a smirk

Jay's P.O.V

They stood above me glaring at me.

"Ssssso, who isssss coming to sssssave you Jay."

I did not say anything. They did not seem to like this response, and they decided to kick me in the stomach. I groaned in pain.

"Ansssswer me when I am talking to you!" He shouted

I finally whispered an answer, one which they seemed to like.

"I think we have done our job." He said

Then, they all walked out. Leaving me in the darkness once more.

~Time skip~

I woke up to someone shaking me. I did not open my response in fear that the snakes had come back again.


"Oh no is he okay?!"

"Is that blood?!"

"Jay, buddy, please. You have to wake up."

I did nothing in response

"Please Jay, we have come to recuse you."

I opened my eyes to see all the ninja standing there. I identified Cole as the one who was shaking me and the chains were now gone too. Then I remember what the snakes had taught me. I glared at him and he stepped away.

"I am so glad you are okay!" Said Cole

I did not say a word.

"Are you not happy we came to rescue you?" Asked Zane

"Nobody." I said

They all looked at me in confusion

"Nobody?" Said Nya

"What do you mean by that?" Asked Kai

"Nobody will come to rescue me." I said

"Jay, of course we would come to rescue you we are friends." Said Cole

"Nobody." I repeated

"Jay, please do not say that." Said Nya

"Nobody." I said a third time

They kept speaking to me but I kept repeating the same word over and over again. Suddenly, there was a loud bang.

"There is no snapping him out of it right now." Said Lloyd

"Do not say that!" Shouted Kai

"There is not enough time to waste. Grab him and let us go before they find us." Said Lloyd

Cold picked me up and carried me away.

Not enough time to waste... Not enough time to waste..... Enough time to waste..... Waste of time. That is all I am to them. A waste of time.

Scales' P.O.V

"Massster, the ninja they have escaped."

"They alssssso took the boy."

"Let them have him." I said

"Really, why?"

"He'sssss broken now and there issss no sssssaving him." I said

Hope you guys enjoyed! I'll try to be updating monthly now, if not more. Sorry for the long wait but I hope it was worth it. Let me know what you think will happen next.

Nya5555 out

Remember, a ninja never quits

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