Chapter 26 Saving Jay and A/N

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Hey guys before this chapter starts I just wanna say sorry for not updating last minute I decided to do softball even though one of my friends convinced me to quit, and I'm also doing an online class during the summer that's why I haven't been active yet during the summer I almost done it should be done by Friday and Saturday then my time will be free also the school year that pasted was rough because I struggled in a class for the first time in a while and I was trying to do all I could to get the hang of it I also got my permit so summer has been busy for me I haven't really gotten any time for myself in a while but when my class is done I promise to update more and some of you are probably thinking why are you doing a summer class, well If I didn't my schedule wouldn't have worked out at all and it would be full and I wouldn't have time for it. I just wanted to say this because I've been getting messages asking me if I'm gonna continue this, I 1000% am gonna continue this I'm sorry for the really long delay for those of you who enjoy this story. Please enjoy this long waited chapter. <3

Jay's P.O.V

" was learning about ninjago high rise?" Asked Cole

"It was fun...Jin brought a friend with him and we went out for coffee." I said

"When do you leave?" Asked Nya

If they would've asked me that a few weeks ago I would've said, "As soon as possible." But not I don't know.

"I don't know....maybe after the school year ends or maybe earlier. Just depends when I get my schedule and when Jin comes back." I said 

"What classes are you taking?" Asked Zane

"I don't know they'll place me in what they think I can handle based on my grades now." I said

"What about Drama Club? Are you gonna leave before the plays opening night?" Asked Cole

"I.... I don't know..." I Said

"Look I gotta go, I don't wanna be late for English." I Said

I then got up and left the cafeteria and left for English.

~Time Skip till after school~

As soon as school ended I started to walk home but then someone stopped me.

"Hey Jay." Said Jin

"Jin... what are you doing here?" I asked

"I came to see if you wanted to hang out!" Said Jin

"I don't know I got a lot of homework.." I Said

"I can help you with it." Said Jin

"No thanks, I'm capable of doing my homework without any help." I Said

"That's not what I meant." Said Jin

"Hey Jay!" Exclaimed a voice

I turned around to see Nya.

"Hey Nya." I Said with a smile

"Hey Jay, hello Jin? Is it?" Asked Nya

"Yes, it's nice to meet you." Said Jin

"Anyways, Jay do you wanna come shopping with me, I was gonna go pick out a dress for prom." Said Nya

"Of course!" I Said

I turned around to Jin.

"We'll hang out later bye!" I Exclaimed then I walked away with Nya.

"So what store are we going to?" I asked

"We're not going to a store." Said Nya

"Then where are we going?" I asked

"We're gonna go on a date." Said Nya

I felt my face heat up as I started blushing.

"Hehe Nya-" I Said before she cut me off.

"You looked like you really didn't wanna go with Jin, so I decided to take you on a date." Said Nya

"Unless you do wanna go with him?" Asked Nya

"No no I don't." I Said

"Then let's go!" Said Nya

She grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the school and into town.

Lloyd's P.O.V

I walked up to their school as I saw Nya pull Jay away. Then the guys walked up to me.

"Where's Nya going?" I asked

"She said she was saving Jay." Said Kai

I have him a confused look.

"Don't ask us she didn't tell us anything she started running and away and we asked where she was going and she said to go save Jay." Said Zane

"She asked Jay if she wanted to go dress shopping so I'm assuming they went into town." Said Jin

"Oh it's you... what's your name again?" I asked

"Jin and who are you guys if you don't mind me asking?" Asked Jin

"Kai." Said Kai

"Cole." Said Cole

"Zane." Said Zane

"Lloyd." I Said

"Well it's nice to meet you all." Said Jin

"Why are you here?" Asked Kai

"I wanted to go see if Jay wanted to hang out but then Nya came and they walked off." Said Jin

"Serves you right." Mumbled Cole

"If he doesn't wanna hang out with us what makes you think he's gonna hang out with you!" Shouted Cole

"I'm sorry, but do you have a problem with me?" Asked Jin

"I'm sorry for him, he's just frustrated." Said Zane

Jin just gave Cole a look.

"Well I should be going Jimin is waiting for me." Said Jin

"Weren't you and Jay just gonna hang out?" Asked Kai

"We were because he's parents asked me to, but since Nya took him I'm gonna go hang out with Jimin since we're gonna be here for a few more days. See ya." Said Jin

He then turned and walked away. We all looked at each other.

"His parents asked him to hang out with Jay." Said Cole with confusion in his voice

"I'm just as confused as you are Cole." I Said

Kai's phone then went off.

"I got a text from Nya she said Jay and her are on a date?!" Exclaimed Kai

"Kai calm down." I Said

"But-" Said Kai

"You can kill Jay later just leave him alone for now since he's not with Jin."

"I guess you're right." Said Kai

"Come on you guys should get home I'm sure you have homework." I Said

"You're right lets go guys." Said Zane

I started walking away.

"Where are you going?" Asked Cole

"I need to go talk to someone text me when you guys are done with your homework." I Said

I then ran off.

Nya5555 out

Remember a ninja never quits

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