Chapter 40 Apologies

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A/N skip if you want to. I know it's been a while, I really didn't plan on waiting this long to update it just kinda happened. I was stressed with school but then again who wasn't. When it ended I tried looking for a job and was unsuccessful for a while but I finally found one! I've been working for about a little over a month and I work 8 hours shifts 5 days a week so I've been very tried. Especially since I got overtime my second week there when I wasn't suppose to oop. I've always joined color-guard at my school(the people in band with the flags) it's my first time so I've been caught up with that lately and I'm doing another online class this summer which has also been keeping me busy. I'm so sorry for the long wait and I will try harder to get more chapters out! I'm so sorry for the wait, enjoy the chapter!

Lloyd's P.O.V

"We need your help Lloyd."

I got up and walked over to them.

"With what?" I Asked

"Jay he- he went missing we haven't seen him in days." Said Edna

"We've been so worried." Said Ed

"Please Lloyd." Said Edna

"I thought you wanted me to sta-" I Said Before Ed cut me off

"Nows not the time for that Lloyd." Said Ed

"What you don't want everyone to know the truth about what you guys did?" I Said

"This isn't about that Lloyd, this is about our son." Said Edna

"Please." Said Ed

"So what, you can let him go back to the life you want him to live. You guys loved Nya but-" I Said

"Lloyd that is enough!" Shouted Wu

"Yes Sensei." I Said

"Let's leave these three alone to talk, you four come with me." Said Wu

I watched as they walked out of the room.

"Lloyd-" Said Edna

"I know what's going on with him but I don't think I'm going to tell you." I Said

"Lloyd, you can't do that to us." Said Ed

"Why would I want to rescue him and bring him back to you. So you can twist his memories some more. He's already broken up with Nya and had Yoonji now, you should be happy. That's one less ninja you have to deal with." I Said

"You know very well we love Nya." Said Edna

"Lloyd please you have to-" Said Edna Before I cut her off

"You said you didn't want him to have anything to do with us! He's been remembering but you let him believe only the bad parts and when it's something good you twist it. You're trying to make him into some puppet, but you come here and ask for my help. After everything you've done!" I screamed

I fell to the ground crying.

"I just don't understand why." I Said as I cried

"He was happy, we were happy. Now our family is no more." I Said

"Lloyd we're sorry." Said Edna

"I suppose we should tell you why we did what we did." Said Ed

I looked up at them.

"We were just worried for Jay. Being a ninja is dangerous, Jay almost turned into a snake by goly." Said Ed

"Cole got between Nya and Jay, we thought that if he stopped being a ninja he would be happier." Said Edna

"We were wrong." Said Ed

"For a while things seemed fine Jay was happy but there was always something missing from him." Said Edna

"He was happy but we could always tell there was something wrong. When he started seeing you guys again he was happier. Like he found his missing piece. His eyes would light up whenever he talked about you guys. He was much more complete." Said Edna

"We were just worried that he would get hurt again. We didn't want that for him. We never wanted any of this to happen." Said Ed

"Yes, we lied to him about his dreams but we never wanted it to go this far. Yes we wanted him to leave schools, but we never wanted him to be angry with all of you." Said Edna

"Yes, only Cole." Said Ed

Edna jabbed him in the side.

"Ow, what was that for." Said Ed

She just looked at him.

"We never wanted him to leave Nya, she's great. We're so sorry Lloyd we never wanted it to go this far." Said Edna

"You don't have to forgive us now but we hope you will one day." Said Ed

There was a moment of silence.

"Come on honey, let's go." Said Edna as she turned to go

"Wait!" I Said

They turned to look at me.

"Jay, He was captured by Snakes." I Said

They just looked at me with worry written all over their face.

"And it was all my fault." I Said with my head down

"How could it be your fault?" Asked Edna

"I saw it happening, but I did nothing. I was upset at the time. I know it's no excuse and I feel awful for what I did. Not a moment goes by where I regret not doing anything." I Said

"Lloyd." Said Ed

"I know you guys are furious and I'm sorry I'll do anything I can to get him back." I Said

"Lloyd we're not angry." Said Edna

"You're not?" I questioned

"Are we upset yes, but you were upset to, from what we said. You said you were giving up we never thought you would." Said Ed

"Yes, especially since a ninja never quits." Said Edna

"Now, go get our son back. So he can live the life he was meant to." Said Edna as she smiled at me.

I smiled back.

"Will do." I Said

Nya5555 out

Remember a ninja never quits

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