Chapter 33 I told you I quit

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Hehe I'm hyper again : ) hope you all enjoy!

Unknown's P.o.v

"Sssir it's been a while, when are we gonna attack?" Asked a voice

"Sssoon we just have to wait for everything to fall into place." I Said

Jay's P.o.v

"Mom, Dad." I Said

"Yes Jay." Said my mom

"I'm going to the prom with Yoonji." I Said

"That's great son." Said my Dad

"By the way I made up with Kai." I Said

"Son you're so forgiving." Said my dad

"I think it's nice he's so forgiving." Said my mom

"I'm glad you made up with your friend." Said my mom

"Me too." I Said

My dad just stared at her.

"Are you gonna forgive Cole next?" Asked my mom

"No, I don't think I ever could." I Said

"I think you should." Said my mom

"Jay can have you gone shopping for a tux yet?" Asked my dad

"No why?" I asked

"Here." Said my dad as he handed me money

"Go." He Said

"Thanks Dad." I Said with a smile

I ran out the door.

Ed's P.o.v

"Edna what are you doing!" I Shouted

"What do you mean?" Edna asked

"Why are you trying to get Jay to forgive Cole. He shouldn't have even forgiving Kai." I Said

"He won't have any friends left if he stays mad at them." Said Edna

"Edna he needs to stay mad at them if he makes up with Cole he's not gonna want to move." I Said

"Maybe Jay shouldn't move." Said Edna

"Edna if we don't get him to then he could remember everything, do you really want that?" I Said

"No." Said Edna

"I'm sorry." She Said

"It's alright, come on let's go work on our project." I Said

Lloyd's P.o.v

"Lloyd?" Said Wu

"Yes Uncle?" I Said

"It's time for training." Said Wu

"I told you I quit." I Said

"And I told you-" Said Wu before I cut him off

"I know what you told me. But I told you I'm done there's nothing you can do to change my mind. There hasn't been an attack since the snakes you have nothing to worry about."

"What if you decide to become a ninja again, and what do you mean I have nothing to worry about." Said Wu

"I won't be a ninja again and I mean that I quit being a ninja which means you're gonna have to protect the city." I Said

Wu frowned.

"Fine. If you don't wish to train, I will go train by myself." Said Wu

"Have fun." I Said

I went into my room to grab the rest of my ninja Gi's, when something fell out. I looked at the ground and saw that it was a photo. It was a photo of me and Jay. On the back it read 'Ninja never quit! Don't ever forget it Lloyd and if you try to; you won't be able to because I won't let you.' -Jay

I cried when I finished reading it.

"I guess you were wrong Jay, you did let me quit." I Said

I crumpled then photo and threw it away. I grabbed the rest of my Gi's and put them in Wu's room. I did the same thing with everyone else's Gi's. When I was finished I went to the living room and sat on the couch.

"Lloyd, why are all their Gi's on my bed?" Asked Wu

I don't know why but something in my snapped.

"It's over Uncle! They're gone, there's nothing we can do! There's no point of having the Gi's in there when they're never coming back!" I Shouted

"Lloyd I told you we would find a way." Said Wu

"There is no way." I Said

Uncle Wu sat next to me.

"Lloyd I know you're hurting but-" Said Wu before I cut him off

"There is not but uncle, this ninja team you had is done." I Said

I got up and walked out of the bounty.

"Where are you going?" Asked Wu

"On a walk, I'll be back later." I Said

Nya5555 out

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