Chapter 24 Leave him alone!

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Hey guys so before we start the story I wanna tell you guys why It's been 3 months since it updated. First off I am so sorry it's been so long I didn't mean for it to happen. That last day of school I got sick really bad and I was just always sleeping lost some weight because I wasn't eating or drinking much. But I guess the big reason I didn't update was because I was just upset my first year of high school was the worst and best after school ended I was just really upset and softball was getting to me I wasn't really up to anything during the summer I just wasn't feeling anything and I was just in a bad place emotionally. Then I had to go out and do something in July and I was with friends who made me feel better and I was finally better I guess I just wanted to hold onto that before it was gone and I just didn't touch wattpad much. School started yesterday for me I'm super excited for my musical theater class this year but I plan to start updating again since I'm feeling better I know it's not the greatest reason to stop updating and I'm sorry but I promise I'm back the only times I won't update are when I have too much homework but other then that I plan to be here anyways into the story.

Jay's P.O.V

"Alright well the truth is-" Said Lloyd before my phone started ringing

(Sorry guys I'm evil)

*ring ring*

I looked at my phone

"Sorry it's just my parents don't worry about it I'll call them back later." I Said I then declined the call

"Please continue." I Said

"Alright well-"

*ring ring*

I went to turn off my phone but then Lloyd stopped me

"Jay it's alright answer it their your parents they're probably just wondering where you are." Said Lloyd

I nodded, I then answered my phone.

"Jay how come you didn't answer your phone the first time?" Asked my Mom

"Sorry Mom I didn't get to my phone it time." I Said

There was a sigh on the phone

"It's alright Jay but where are you?" Asked my Dad

"I stayed after school to finish a little homework and turn it on early Since I have rehearsal tomorrow." I Said

"Okay well we're coming to get you." Said My Dad

"W-Wait Dad there's not need I was already on my way home." I said

"Alright well we will see you soon." Said my Mom

"Alright bye." I Said

I then hung up.

"Sorry Lloyd I gotta go my parents want me home." I Said

"It's alright Jay." Said Lloyd with a smile

"I- I still wanna hear the truth but I can't right now." I Said

"It's fine Jay just tell me when you're ready." Said Lloyd

"Will do bye Lloyd." I Said

"Bye." Said Lloyd

I then started walking home.

~le time skip till school

I was walking down the hall way when someone slammed me into a locker.

"Hey guys look it's our friend Jay Walker." Said a voice

I know that voice it belonged to Dylan Smith

"H-Hey Dylan." I Said

"Hey the Jay it's been a while." Said Dylan

"I see you're back from suspension." I Said

"And I see that you're still the kid living in a junk yard." Said Dylan

"You know now that I think about it I think you're right where you belong." Said Dylan

I said nothing

He then grabbed me and slammed me into a locker.

"You're Nothing And you will always be nothing." Said Dylan

I said nothing and stared at the floor trying not to cry

"Hey!" Said a voice

"Leave him alone." Said the voice again

I looked over to see Cole

"And what if I don't what are you gonna do about it." Said Dylan

Cole went over to him and pushed him away from me

"You mess with him you mess with me." Snarled Cole

"Whatever he isn't even worth my time he's not worth anything." Said Dylan

"That's not true now you better leave before I lose my temper." Said Cole

"Whatever I'll be back junk yard trash." Said Dylan he then walked away

Cole then came over to me and sat next to me.

"Are you okay? Asked Cole

I said nothing

"Jay don't listen to him it's not true." Said Cole

I started crying. Cole then hugged me, and I hugged him back.

"Don't worry Jay it's gonna be alright I'm here for you." Said Cole

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