Chapter 41 Finally Explaining

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Lloyd's P.O.V

I opened the door to the training room and so soon as I did the others fell into the room.

"So.... how'd it go with Jay's parents?" Asked Kai

I smiled.

"How'd you guys get away from Sensei?" I Asked

"They remember more than you think Lloyd." Said Sensei as he walked into the room

"How much did you guys hear?" I Asked

"Just the ending." Said Kai

"That is incorrect, we heard everything." Said Zane

Everyone just looked at him. I shook my head and smiled. At least Zane will never change.

"I can't believe Jay's parents really did that." Said Nya

"And what do they have against me." Said Cole

"It's along story." I Said

"Well we've got time." Said Kai

"At least until Wu finds out we're gone." Said Nya

"I've already noticed." Said Wu

Everyone but me jumped.

"How'd you get in here without us noticing." Said Kai

"You will learn how to do the same, come now, we must get back to training." Said Wu

"Can it wait until Lloyd explains everything to us?" Asked Zane

"That would take to long, we don't have time to waste." Said Lloyd

"No Lloyd I agree, I believe it's time to tell them everything." Said Wu

"Is now really the best time for that Master, Jay-" I Said before he cut me off

"It does them no good to train when they don't remember how to use their powers Lloyd." Said Wu

"Do you wanna start it should I?" I Asked

Wu smiled at me and I smiled back.

"I'll start." Said Wu

He walked into the middle of the room.

"You guys might wanna take a seat." I Said

They all sat down and looked at Wu.

"Long before time had a name ninjago was created by the first Spinjitzu Master by using the four weapons of Spinjitzu the Scythe of Quakes, the nunchucks of Lightning, the shuriken's of Ice, and the sword of Fire...."

Jay's P.O.V

I woke up in a cell with a pounding headache. I held my hand to my head.

"Where am I?" I asked to no one in particular

I looked around the cell to see if I could find a way out but found nothing.

"Ah I see your awake." Said a voice

I looked up to see a snake. I screamed and back up to the wall in my cell.

"Be quiet!" Shouted the Snake

I stopped screaming and just looked at him.

"Who are you? Why am I here? What do you want with me? What-" I Said before he cut me off

"Ssssilence," Shouted the Snake

"I don't ssssee why he releassssed you ssssso sssssoon."

He walked closer to the cell and opened it.

"The bosss wantssss to ssssee you." Said the Snake

He picked me up turned me around and put handcuffs on me and shoved me toward the door.

"Don't try and funny businesssss blue ninja." Said the snake

I rolled my eyes and turned to face him.

"How many times do I have to tell you I'm not a-!" I Shouted before he shut me up by sticking a spear near my face.

"Move now!" Screamed the snake

When we arrived he opened the door and threw me in a room and slammed the door shut.

"Hello blue ninja, itsssss time we had a talk." Said a voice

I looked up to see an even bigger snake.

"Who are you?" I Asked

"I'm Skales."

Nya5555 out

Remember a ninja never quits

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