Chapter 43 All is lost

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Lloyd's P.O.V

"Alright guys, everythings clear here, meet up where we left Cole." Said Kai

"Yeah, I hope he's alright." I said

"I'm sure he's fine Lloyd, he would've called if he wasn't." Said Nya

"I'm worried about him, he wasn't in the best state when we left him." I said

"We're all worried Lloyd, let's just hang up and go." Said Zane

I sighed.

"Alright bye guys see you soon." I said

"Bye." Said everyone

I then began to make my way there. When I got there I saw Cole on the ground.

"Cole?" I asked

He didn't answer

"Cole are you okay!?" I asked

He didn't move. I ran up on him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Cole are you-" I said before I got myself off

I saw Jay lying in his arms. My face went pale. Cole turned to looked at me.

"Cole happened?" I asked

"I- I don't know."

He turned his head to look at Jay.

"One minute he was trying to hurt me then the next he asked me for help and he passed out." Said Cole

"Lets get him back to the monastery and see if Wu knows how to help him." I said

Cole nodded in response.

"Hey guys what's going- is that Jay?" Asked Kai

"What happened?" Asked Nya

"We'll explain when we get back." I said

They nodded.

"I'll carry him." Said Kai

Cole growled and brought Jay closer to his body.

"No one touches him." Said Cole in a low voice

Everyone including me backed away.

"I'll carry him." Said Cole

Cole then picked up Jay and began walking. We followed behind him.

Cole's P.O.V

I looked down at Jay as I began walking. I don't know who did this to you Jay but I promise I'll make them pay.

When we got to the monastery Wu was standing outside.

"I've been expecting you." Said Wu

"You knew this would happen?!" I shouted

Jay groaned.

My face softened at the noise.

"If It weren't for him, I would've hit you already." I said in a low voice

Wu shook his head.

"Take him inside and I'll see what I can do. Said Wu

I walked inside and carefully out Jay on his bead.

Lloyd's P.O.V

I watched and everyone went inside.

"Some things never change, huh Lloyd." Said Wu

I smiled.

"You're right Uncle." Said Lloyd

"Come now let's get inside." Said Wu

Cole's P.O.V

"So tell me what happened." Said Wu

"I was trying to stop Jay but then he said how we weren't going to get away with us making him think we don't care about him."

Which isn't true.

"He then started attacking me, he was going to kill me. I tried to talk him out of it and then he stopped saying to go him." I said

"Hmmm." Said Wu

"Do you know what's wrong with him?" Asked Zane

"I believe so." Said Wu

Everyone looked at him waiting for him to continue.

"The hypnobrine got to him." Said Wu

"Those are the snakes who I warned you about." Said Lloyd

"How do we help him?" Asked Nya

"Last time this happened we had the flute but now we don't." Said Wu

"So what do we do?" Asked Kai

"I'm afraid there's nothing we can do." Said Wu

Lloyd looked like he wanted to say something but Wu shook his head and he stayed silent.

"What do you mean there's nothing you can do!?" Shouted Nya

"The only way to fix this is for the snake themselves to release them from control, and I don't see them doing that anytime soon." Said Wu

Everyone looked at Jay.

"So he's stuck like this forever?" Asked Kai

"I'm afraid so." Said Wu

"There has to be something else." Said Zane

Wu sighed.

"We can try but I'm afraid we won't find anything. I'll meet you all on the training room, but first, Lloyd, I would like to have a word with you in my room. Alone." Said Wu

"Yes Uncle." Said Lloyd

"Cole are you coming?" Asked Kai

"I'll meet up with you guys later, just give me some time." I said

"Alright." Said Nya

They all left leaving me alone.

I sighed looking down at Jay. I didn't realize I was crying until I saw the tears fall. I looked at Jay, I brushed a strand of hair off his face.

"I promise you Jay, I will find a way, I don't care what they say. Even if I have to find this guy myself I will help you." I said

Lloyd's P.O.V

"Uncle why did you lie to them?" I asked

"Because Cole needs to figure this out himself." Said Wu

"Why?" I asked

"It will be the only way from stopping Jay from leaving." Said Wu

"If you say so. Now let's go to the training room." I said

Nya5555 out

Remember a ninja never quits

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