Chapter 31 I'm Done

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Hope you all love these updates, sorry if you don't like them. I'll try better next time if you don't. Hope you enjoy this chapter! Also shout out to the first few people to notice what's different about this chapter.

Kai's P.o.v

We all watched as Jay walked out of the cafeteria.

"Kai, how could you!" Shouted Nya

I opened my mouth to say something but she beat me to it.

"Save it, I'm gonna go talk to him, try and fix things." Said Nya

"Guys I'm sorry but I can't go today." I Said to Zane and Cole

"It's okay, we'll go some other time." Said Cole

I ran outside and I heard the entire conversation they had outside. When Jay left I walked over to Nya. Who was on the ground. I can't believe Jay hurt her like this.

"Don't worry I'll talk to him." I Said with anger in my voice

"Kai stop!" Shouted Nya

"This is all your fault if you go and talk to him it will just make things worse." Said Nya

"But he hurt you." I Said

"Because you hurt him." Said Nya

I just looked at her.

"Kai I know you're protective, but you have to stop this. Because of you, I lost the only guy I like." Said Nya

"I'm sorry Nya I didn't mean for any of this to happen." I Said

I sat down next to her.

"I can't believe he things I don't like him... I do it's just your my little sister and I don't want people to hurt you." I Said

"Kai, you hurt me by doing this." Said Nya

I frowned.

"I'm sorry." I Said

Nya put her hand on my shoulder.

"I forgive you Kai. But you need to get Jay to forgive you. He's been going through a lot." Said Nya

"I'll try to get him to forgive me, but I don't think he will." I Said

"I'm sure he will forgive you Kai." Said Nya

I hugged Nya and she hugged me back.

Lloyd's P.o.v

"Lloyd?" I heard my uncle say

I didn't answer. Suddenly the door to Jay's room opened.

"Go away Uncle." I Said as I pulled the covers over me.

He pulled the covers off of me, but I saw something fall out of the covers. I looked to see what it was and I saw it was Jay's ninja suit. I picked it up and started to cry.

"Lloyd it's okay." Said Wu

"I guessing you meditate to find out why I'm so upset." I Said

"Yes... I'm sorry I just can't stand seeing you this upset." Said Wu

I held out Jay's ninja suit to Wu.

"Were not gonna be needing this anymore, so here." I Said

Wu grabbed the suit and placed it on the bed. He then gave me a hug. I cried as I hugged him back.

"It's just so hard to get them to remember." I cried

"Nobody seems willing to want to hear us out saying we're crazy... Jay's parents don't even want Jay to be friends with the others they just keep lying to him and-" I cut myself of by crying

Wu then pulled me out of the hug. I looked at the ground.

"Lloyd look at me." Said Wu

I slowly lifted my head.

"It's gonna be okay Lloyd, we're gonna fix this." Said Wu

"But-" I Said before he cut me off

"If they won't listen then we'll try something different." Said Wu

"But what about Jay." I Said as I cried more

"I miss him so much." I Said

"I miss everyone, they're just not themselves. Especially Jay he's never like this his parents just keep lying to him." I Said

"We'll do Jay last, if we can get everyone else to remember, they might be able to help Jay remember." Said Wu

"I'm sorry Uncle I failed you." I Said

"How?" Asked Wu

"You said a ninja never quit, but-" I paused as I cried more

"I quit, and I quit on Jay, he's gonna move soon there's no point. He's got other friends now. He doesn't need us, he doesn't need me." I Said

I walked out of Jay's bedroom and walked into mine.

"Lloyd what are you doing?" Asked Wu

I grabbed my ninja suit and walked backed into Jay's room.

"Here." I Said as I handed it to him

He grabbed it and place in on Jay's suit.

"Lloyd you may quit on being a ninja, but the ninja in you will never quit." Said Wu

"You don't understand Uncle, I'm done I can't do this anymore. If I never became good I wouldn't be feeling like this now. It doesn't matter if the ninja in me will never quit, it just matters that I quit." I Said

He just looks at me.

"I'm so sorry Uncle." I Said

I then walked out and started to walk around town. I cried as I walked.

"Lloyd!" I heard a voice shout

I looked to see someone I didn't want to see anymore.

"Hey wait come back!" Shouted the voice

I ignored him. Then he caught up to me and turned me around.

"Hey didn't you hear me." He said

"No." I Said 

I turned around and started walking again.

"Lloyd what's wrong." He said

"Nothing." I Said

"Lloyd you're crying stop lying to me." He said

"It's none of your business." I Said

"Lloyd what's gotten into you." He said

"I'm doing what people wanted me to do, quitting on a friend." I Said

I turned to look at him.

"Goodbye Jay." I said

I then started to walk again.

Nya5555 out

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