Chapter 34

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Sorry it's been a while school started a few weeks ago and it's been stressful, I also just recently found out I have low iron and low blood pressure so I've been having to deal with that as well. I'm not doing as much school stuff this year so now I'll have more time to write! Stay tuned.

Jay's P.o.v

We were practicing for the play when at my house since my parents were out when Cole started to get off track.

"So... Jay, when do we get to meet you're date to prom?" Asked Cole

There was a knock on the door.

"Right now." I Said

I opened the door and twice stood to Yoonji.

"Hey." I Said

"Hello Jay." Said Yoonji

"Come on in." I Said

She walked in, then I shut the door.

"Everyone this is Yoonji, she's my date to prom." I Said

"Hello everyone, nice to meet you all." Said Yoonji

"This is Kai, Cole, Zane, and Nya." I Said as I pointed to them

"Nice to meet you Yoonji." Said Zane

"So what brings you here?" Asked Nya

"Jay wanted me to meet you all, he said you've all been asking about me." Said Yoonji

"Well... it's nice to finally meet you." Said Nya

I dropped my script that I had in my hands. I went to pick it up but my hand brushed someone else's, I looked to see Nya and a blush appeared on my face.

"Sorry." Said Nya as she pulled her hand away.

"It's alright." I Said

Yoonji frowned.

"I, uh should get going, you guys seem to be busy." Said Yoonji

"Aw, So soon. I'll call you when we're done rehearsing." I Said

Yoonji kissed me on the cheek.

"Bye Jay." She Said

She then walked out the door.

"So, What do it guys think of Yoonji?" I Asked

"She seems cool." Said Cole

"I need to go." Said Nya as she walked to the door.

"Where are you going?" Asked Kai

"Some where." Said Nya

She opened the door and walked out.

"Nya come back!" Said Kai

He ran out the door.

"I wonder what that was about." I Said

"We should get going as well." Said Zane

"Why?" I asked

"You're parents are going to be home soon, they wouldn't like to open the door and see us here." Said Cole

"But-" I Said before I got cut off

"Bye Jay." Said Zane

They walked out the door.

We're never gonna be ready for this play, I thought to myself.

Nya's P.o.v

"Nya, Wait up." Said Kai

"Kai, please just leave me alone." I Said

"Nya what's wrong?" Asked Kai

"I'm upset because Yoonji." I Said

"I should be going to prom with Jay, not her." I Said

"Nya how many times do I have to say I'm sorry." Said Kai

I sighed.

"It's fine Kai, I just need to get over this." I Said

"Nya, he likes you trust me, he's not gonna be able to stay away from you forever. Especially when he sees you in your prom dress." Said Kai

I smiled.

"Thanks Kai." I Said

"No problem, come on let's go home." Said Kai

~time skip to night time

Jay's P.o.v

"Mom, Dad, I'm going on a walk, I'll be back soon." I Said

"Alright Jay, just be careful." Said my dad

I walked to the park and sat down on a bench.

I wonder what was up with Nya earlier that caused her to leave so early. I still care about her and it hurts me to see her upset.

My phone then went off. I got a text from Yoonji.

Yoonji: just got my prom dress, can't wait!

Me: Do I get a picture of it?

Yoonji: No silly, it's a surprise.

Me: how am I gonna know what color tie to get if I don't know the color.

Yoonji: I'll tell you the color but I won't send u a picture of it

Me: I'll take what I can get. I can't wait to go to prom with you!

Yoonji: I can't to go with you as well, I have to go but I'll text you later.

Me: Bye Yoonji

Yoonji: Bye

I smiled as I put my phone away. I then heard a ssss sound. (And I oops sksksksk) I look around but I didn't see anyone. I got up and started to walk away. The noise started to get louder.

"Whose there?" I asked

No one answered. I then turned around and saw a snake.

"Ah!" I screamed

"Who are you?!" I asked

"You don't need to worry about who I am." Said the snake

More snakes then started coming out off no where. They cornered me in the park. I was backed up against a tree.

"What do you want with me?" I asked

"You'll find out sssssoon enough blue ninja." Said the snake

"I'm not a ninja!" I Shouted

"You're not gonna be able to talk yoursssself out of this." Said he snake

The snake's tail started to rattle.

"You musssst Obey my ever command." Said the snake

"I will obey you're everyone command." I Said

"Ssssleep." Said the snake

My world suddenly went black.

Lloyd's P.o.v

I saw Jay and the snakes at the park and I saw Jay pass out. I was gonna do something but then I did something I never thought I would do.... I ran.

"I'm so sorry Jay." I Said

Nya5555 out


A ninja never quits

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