Chapter 20 Finding out what happened

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Jay's p.o.v

I woke up to find my self in the blue lighting room. Ugh why am I here again? I then heard footsteps and everyone walked in.

"Hey Jay, how are you feeling?" Asked Kai

"I'm fine, but why am I here?" I asked

"Don't you remember?" Asked Zane

"If I remembered I wouldn't be asking." I Said

"You got attacked by snakes... They tried to use their powers on you but someone stopped them." Said Nya

"Who?" I asked

Lloyd was about to say something but then we heard more footsteps. The door opened to revel my parents.

"Mom, Dad? What are you guys doing here?" I asked

"We heard what happens Jay we just wanted to make sure you're okay." Said my mom

"I'm fine Mom." I said with a smile

"That's good to hear." Said my Dad

"Thank you for saving our son Lloyd." Said my mom

"Actually it wasn't me it was-." Said Lloyd before my dad cut him off

"Lloyd can we speak with you outside." Said my dad

"Sure." Said Lloyd

They then walked out.

Lloyd's p.o.v

"What did you need to talk about." I Said sounding a bit annoyed

"You know very well what we need to talk about." Said Ed

"How was I Supposed to know snakes would attack!" I Shouted

"We don't expect you to know but we expect you to look after our son." Said Edna

"I can't always be there to protect him!" I Shouted

"This is exactly why we want him to move schools it's not safe here!" Shouted Ed

"What if you were to late and those snakes did something to him!" Shouted Edna

"First of all I would never let something happen to Jay. He may not remember but he is my friend and I would never let anything happen to my friends and second of all. I didn't save him Cole did and I was gonna tell Jay that before you interrupted me!" I Shouted

"You think we don't know that Cole saved him." Said Edna

"Then why didn't you let me tell him." I Said

"We want Jay to move schools and to do that he has to stay mad at Cole." Said Ed

"He didn't want to move schools until the first dream he had about Cole hurting him." Said Edna

"You guys are terrible parents I can't believe you would put lies into your son's head!" I Shouted

"Don't talk to us like that Lloyd we're his parents we know what's best for him and what's best for him is to moves schools!" Shouted Ed

"Jay was happy until you started lying to him now he's all confused he doesn't know who to believe anymore." I Said

"That's a lie he believe us." Said Ed

"That's what you think I can see confusion in his eyes. Before you started telling him lies all that was there was happiness. What kind of parents are you?! I Shouted

"Don't talk to us like that we already tried getting Jay to stop hanging out with you don't make us regret our decision." Said Ed

"You need to leave Jay alone and let him make decisions on his own." I Said

"If we do that then he might remember." Said Edna

"That needs to happen he was happy as a ninja. He was happy until you started lying to him. You need to stop one day he will find out that you were lying to him." I Said

"I doubt that." Said Ed

"Whatever I'm done arguing about this let's just go check up on Jay." Said Lloyd

Jay's p.o.v

"So... did the snakes do anything to me." I Said

"As far as we can tell you were saved just in time." Said Kai

I smiled

"I really have to thank Lloyd I don't know what would've happened if he didn't get there in time." I Said

"Actually Lloyd didn't save you." Said Zane

"Then who did?" I asked

"Cole did." Said Nya

I looked up and Cole.

"Hey." Said Cole

"How come you kept quiet about this the entire time?" I asked

"I didn't know how you would react." Said Cole

I got up and walked toward Cole. Everyone watched me seeing what I was gonna do. I took a deep breath and then I.......

Hugged him.

"Thank you Cole." I Said with a smile on my face

Cole's p.o.v

I watched as Jay started walking toward me. I closed my eyes thinking he was gonna hit me or yell at me. You might be thinking why I would thinking he would do that but with how he's been lately I thought the worst. But what really surprised me was that he didn't hit me or yell at me he hugged me.

"Thank you Cole." Said Jay

I stood there in shock but then I hugged him back.

"No problem Jay." I Said with a smile

Maybe things can get better I thought.

Scale's p.o.v

"Sir did you get him in time?"

"Of coursssse I did." I Said

I watched as I could see everything he saw.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! I'm sorry if it sucked.... anyways what do you think is gonna happen next. What do you think the snakes are gonna do. And what do you Think is gonna happen with Jay and Cole. Comment below!! Have a nice rest of your day. Love you all

Nya5555 out

A ninja never quits

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