Chapter 3

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Sorry I didn't update I was gonna yesterday but I had to practice softball and it was worth it we won the tournament I'm so happy we got 1st we beat a really hard team anyways to the story

R/p= random place
Kai's p.o.v
I was on my way to art class when I ran into Cole again.

"We have to stop meeting like this." I said

Cole offered his hand to help me up.

"So where are you heading." I said

"Choir we got on concert torrmorw." Said Cole

"My sister wants me to join choir what songs are you guys doing." I said

"Someone like you, wagon wheel, need you now, and call me maybe." Said Cole

"Why so many girl songs." I said

"There's a lot of girls in choir." Said Cole

"How many boys." I said

"7." Said Cole

"Wow." I said

"If you want to join choir I could teach you the songs during study hall." Said Cole

"That would be great since I have basketball after school." I said

"What time do you get out of basketball." Said Cole

"From 4 to 6 then my sister had softball." I said

"Well if it's okay with your sister we could meet up after school and I could help you with the songs to." Said Cole

"I'll ask her but how would we meet up." I said

"What's your number I could text you later." Said Cole

"555-4102, what's your's." I said

"555-3427." Said Cole

"I'll see you later." I said

"Bye." Said Cole

"Bye." I said

Cole's p.o.v
After I talked to Kai I ran to choir since I was about to be late. When I got there I decide I should ask Mrs.Klosterman if it would be okay if Kai joined.

"Mrs.Klosterman." I said

"Yes Cole." Said Mrs.Klosterman

"Someone wants to join choir if I teach them the songs could the be in the concert torrmorw." I said

"Sure but only if he gets them right." Said Mrs.Klosterman

"Okay." I said

Time skip till after choir

Jay's p.o.v
I was on my way to drama club. When I ran into Zane.

"Oh hi Zane." I said

"Hello Jay." Said Zane

"So where are you heading to." I said

"Show choir we have a concert torrmorw." Said Zane

"How do they expect you to learn it that fast." I said

"They give us a disk with our parts on them and we practice at home we learn the dancing at school and practice our parts to." Said Zane

"Cool." I said

"So what are you heading." Said Zane

"To drama." I said

"What play are you guys doing." Said Zane

"We don't know yet but we need a play by this Friday to perform." I said

"Well I how about a play with a love triangle." Said Zane

"But there are a lot of plays that have love triangles in them." I said

"Well you could make one up if you wanted." Said Zane

"Well why don't you make one up." I said

"Okay um how about ninja's." Said Zane

"Ninja's?" I said

"Ya 2 ninja's who like the same girl." Said Zane

Sound familiar to anyone 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏

"That sounds cool I'll see if we can do it." I said

"Well we should get to class were gonna be late." Said Zane

"Bye." I said

"Bye." Said Zane

Time skip till after school cause I got dat power

Kai's p.o.v

"Hey Nya." I said

"Hey Kai you ready for my softball game tonight." Said Nya

"Cole said he could teach me the songs after school would it be okay if I meet up with him." I said

"Ya I'll tell you who won when you get back." Said Nya

"Cool I hope you win." I said

"Bye." Said Nya

"Bye." I said

I pulled out my phone and typed cole's number in.

Me: Hey I'm free to meet up my basketball got cancel are you still free

Cole: Ya

Me: Where do you wanna meet

Cole: My house

Me: Where do you live

Cole: R/p

Me: Okay see you in a bit

I then put my phone away and started to walk to cole's.

Zane's p.o.v
I was on my way to robotics when I saw this guy with spike my hair. I was about to go talk to him but then he walked away. I felt like I know him just like how I feel like a I know Jay that's why I joined robotics cause I felt we where friends. When I got there I saw 2 girls and 1 guy talking to Jay.

"Zane your here." Said Jay

"Yup." I said

"Okay so this is the rest of the club." Said Jay

"I'm Stephanie." Said a girl with long brown hair that went down to her shoulders she also had braces.

"I'm Beth." Said a girl with brown hair in a ponytail she had glasses and braces

"I'm Logan." Said a boy with short blond hair

"I'm Zane nice to meet you all." I said

"Oh and Zane you're idea was perfect the drama club said we could do it." Said Jay

I only said that because it seemed familiar I thought to my self.

"Okay so let's get started." Said Jay

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter I made it a little longer since I didn't update yesterday but I'm so happy I win my tournament I'm still freaking out about it I will update more now since softball is over bye I love you all

Nya5555 out
A ninja never quits

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