Chapter 25 New friends

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Jay's P.O.V
It's been a day since that incident with Dylan, I'm thankful Cole was there to comfort me. I'll have to thank him next time I see him.

"Mom, I'm home!" I shouted as I opened the door

"Jay, honey, come in the kitchen!" My mom shouted back

I walked into the kitchen to see some person that I didn't recognize.

"Mom who's that?" I questioned

"This is-" Said my mom before the kid said something

"My name is Jin, I'm from ninjago high rise I've come to tell you about our school." Jin said with a smile

"Jin is one of the top 7 kids at that school." Said my mom

"I've been hearing a lot about you, I hope you'll be there up with me." Said Jin

"Well I would love to hear about the school but I have play rehearsal." I said

"Don't worry about it Jay, you can miss one day." Said my dad

"But I-" I said before my dad cut me off

"Jay it's fine, we already told the director you weren't coming today."

"Alright then... Jin? Do you wanna go on a walk and talk to me about the school." I said

"I'd love to." Jin said with an even bigger smile

I grabbed my sweater and we walked out.

"So-" Said Jin before a voice cut him off


I looked over to see Lloyd and the gang.

"Guys what are you doing here." I said

"Well rehearsal got canceled tonight because the director got sick so-" Said Nya before Kai cut her off

"We came over to see if you want to run lines together."

"Well I would love to but-" I Said before Zane cut me off

"Who's this guy?" Asked Zane as he pointed to Jin

"This is-" I said before Jin cut me off

"I'm Jin, I was sent here to talk to Jay about ninjago high rise."

They stopped smiling.

"Oh..." Said Lloyd

"I'm sorry guys maybe some other time." I said

"It's fine Jay, have fun. We'll see you later." Said Cole

"See you later guys!" Exclaimed Jin as he proceeded to grab my arm and pull me away.

"Bye Guys!" I Shouted

Cole's P.O.V

"I can't believe he's still moving." Said Nya with a frown

"I know right... I thought things were going better." I said

"I thought we were finally convincing him to stay." Said Lloyd

We heard a door open and look up to see Jay's parents.

"What are you guys doing here?" Asked his dad

"If you're looking for Jay he's not here he-" Said his mom before Zane cut her off

"He's with Jin from ninjago high rise we just saw them."

"Guys we should go, we can go run lines somewhere else." Said Zane

Jay's P.O.V

"Can you please let go of my arm." I Said

"Can't we're gonna be late." Said Jin

"Late where?" I asked

"We're meeting someone." Said Jin

"Who? Also I thought you were talking to me about ninjago high rise." I Said

"I am we just need to meet this person." Said Jin

5 minutes later he finally stopped at Starbucks.

He then pulled me over to a table.

"Why are you late?" Asked a guy

"Sorry Jimin his friends stopped us." Said Jin

"Here I got your coffee, and I got you some to." Said Jimin

"Thanks." I Said

"My names Jimin." Said Jimin

"Name's Jay." I said

"Ah, so you're the Jay I've been hearing so much about. Nice to meet you." Said Jimin

"You too." I said

"Jimin is also in the top 7 kids at ninjago high rise." Said Jin

"So before we tell you about the school do you have any questions?" Asked Jin

"How many floors does it have?" I asked

"4." Said Jimin

"How many grades are in it?" I asked

"4, we have 9th-12th. That's why there is 4 floors." Said Jin

"Anything else you would like to know?" Asked Jimin

I shook my head.

"Alright so, it is a all year school however, after big tests we get 2 week breaks and we also get 2 weeks for winter, spring, and summer break." Said Jin

"The seniors also get to go on a lot of cool trips." Said Jimin

"Do you guys get senior prank?" I asked

"Yes." Said Jin

"So what grade are you guys in?" I asked

"I'm a junior." Said Jin

"And I'm a sophomore." Said Jimin

"What about you?" Asked Jin

"Sophomore." I Said

"Cool, I hope we can have classes together." Said Jimin

Jin's phone went off.

"Hey Jimin we gotta go." Said Jin

"Ah, well I hope to see you soon." Said Jimin

"I hope we can hang out sometime." Said Jin

"Here, here's my number." I Said

I wrote it down on a napkin and gave it to him.

"See you guys later." I said

"Bye." Said Jimin And Jin

"Also, you should be getting your schedule soon." Said Jin

"Can't wait." I Said

Or can I? Then I started to walk home.

Hey guys ikr I'm not dead sorry I haven't updated school has actually sucked this year, it's been so much work and all these schools things I signed up for kept me busy I didn't sign up for much but the practices would always be so many times a week. I'm so sorry, I've been on spring break since last Friday but even my spring break has been busy. I'll try to update more but it gets hard love you guys 💜

Nya5555 out

Remember a ninja never quits

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