Chapter 17 Non believer

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Please read the note before reading the story!!

Hey guys I'm so so so so soooo sorry I haven't updated in 2 months. High school gives me a lot more work then I thought it would. Doesn't help I have show choir after school on Monday and Thursdays, and Drama club starting up. Then honors English told us to type a 1-2 page alternate ending and I did 10 pages. Then my homecoming is this Saturday I'm so excited. Anyways, I will try to update more regularly School has been stressing me out with all its work. I feel soooo bad. Anyways, hope you enjoy and I hope you can forgive me.

Cole's p.o.v

"Jay, I'm so glad I found you!" I said

"Where are we?" Asked Jay

"I don't know but we need to find the others and get out of here." I said

We started walking trying to find the others it was completely silent until I decide to speak.

"So Jay, did you have any weird dreams." I said

Jay didn't say anything

"Come on Jay please talk to me." I said

We turned that corner and ran into Kai, Nya, and Zane.

"Nya!" Jay shouted and hugged her

"I'm so glad we found you guys do you have any idea where we are." Said Kai

"Your in the bounty." Said a voice

We turned and saw Wu and Lloyd standing there.

"Why are we here?" Asked Nya

"You guys passed out so I brought you here don't worry we told your parents where you were." Said Lloyd

After he said that I remembered what happen before we passed out.

"Jay, I'm so sorry for what happened I didn't even know I could do that. I said I would never hurt you and I did." I said

"Whatever, wouldn't be the first time you hurt me." Said Jay

Jay scowled at me.

"Anyways, what the heck happened. I shot lighting from my hands and Cole shot rocks. What's going on?!?!" Shouted Jay

"Imt's a long story."Said Lloyd

"We have the time." Said Jay

"Alright, follow us then." Said Wu

We headed to what looked like the dinning room. We all sat down.

"You see it all started a long time ago...." said Lloyd

~le time skip~

"You've got to be kidding me." Said Jay

"Jay I'm being serious." Said Lloyd

"You expect me to believe that we we're all ninja's that had elemental powers." Said Jay

"I know it sounds silly but-" Said Lloyd

"There is no but there is no way that's the truth." Said Jay

"I don't know Jay, it would explain everything that's been going on." I said

"Are you being serious. You expect me to believe that. Zane back me up here." Said Jay

"I'm sorry Jay but I must agree with

"Jay-" said Lloyd before Jay cut him off

"Save it, I don't wanna hear your lies anymore." Said Jay as he stood up

"Where are you going?" Asked Zane

"Home, where there are people who don't lie to me." Said Jay as he glared at Lloyd

"Jay please don't go." Said Nya as he grabbed his arm

"I'm sorry Nya, but I just can't believe any of this." Said Jay

He pulled his arm from Nya and walked out he door.

"I'll go after him." Said Lloyd

"No, leave him be he needs time to think." Said Wu

"But-" said Lloyd

"No please sit, we need to explain the rest." Said Wu

Jay's p.o.v

As I ran from the bounty, I found my self running toward the park. I don't know what made me wanna go there but I did. Probably because there's no one there and I need to think. As I sat on the bench, I kept thinking about what my parents having been telling me. Then I thought about what Lloyd told me.

"I don't know who to believe anymore." I said out loud

I put my head in my hands.

"I want to believe Lloyd, but my parents..." I said

I sighed

I'll have to think about this more. Hopefully I won't have to hear anymore of this at school. I really need to focus more on the events coming up. Like, the play, and Prom.

Please read the note below

Hey guys, sorry this chapter is short. I feel so bad. I feel like you guys deserve more for having to wait this long. I'll making it longer next time I promise! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed please comment and tell me what you think, and before I go I'm thinking about making a new ninjago story but I can't think of any new ideas so comment below if you have an idea! I'd love to hear what you guys can come up with! Love you all

Nya5555 out

A ninja never quits

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