Key To My Heart ~ Chapter 1

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A/N:  Hey everyone!  Thanks so much for taking time out of your day to start reading my fanfiction!  I'm sorry about the length of this chapter.  All parts after Chapter 3 has at least three  pages, so they're not all ridiculously short and boring like this one ;)  Please don't hesitate to comment, whether it's criticism or a 'LOL' or just a request to upload - I appreciate everything you have to say! :)

EDIT JANUARY 2017: Five years have passed and only now I've realised that I never put any trigger warnings in this fanfic.  Sorry, everyone.  Warnings are in certain chapters where needed.

You sighed loudly as you flopped down on your bed.  Closing your eyes, you inhaled and exhaled deeply several times before opening them again and running your hands through your long, straight black hair.  King Mickey had trained you for much longer and harder than usual, and you had retired worn out and exhausted. 

  You had been living in Disney Castle for about a year and six months.  In that time, the King had trained you and taught you all he knew about Kingdom Hearts.  He had taken you in after finding you a tricky situation, rescuing you before damage could be done.  However, even after all this time, he still didn't know why or how you had gotten into that certain situation.

  All he, and everyone who lived at the castle, knew was that you had been left with a low level of self-esteem hidden behind a mask of self-confidence.  But King Mickey knew that you had great power, even though he never actually said it to you, and tried to teach you how to use that power for good.

  For some reason, today's training in particular had been intense. 'Almost as if he was testing my limits'.  You smiled at this thought, thinking how you had refused to show weakness the whole time, and summoned your weapon, Broken Pieces.  It was fairly similar to the keyblade Soul Eater, except it had a black and white pattern made to look like shards.  Your smile was quickly replaced for a frown, however. 'Testing my limits for what?' 

  At that moment a servant hopped into your room, spun around twice and bowed before exiting again.  This meant the King or Queen wanted to see you.  Ignoring the ache you felt when you jumped of your bed, you made your way to the Castle Library. 

  In the Library, as you assumed, you found King Mickey waiting for you.  "Ah, Maryx!" he exclaimed as you walked up to him.  "I hope I wasn't bein' too hard on ya in trainin'!" 

  "Not at all, Your Majesty," you smiled.  "Did you want to speak to me?" 

  King Mickey lost his grin and it was replaced with a serious expression.  "Yes I did, Maryx.  Actually, I have quite a big favour to ask of ya," he added.  He began to pace back and forth.  "It's like this, Maryx," he started.  "Have I ever told ya 'bout the six keys?" 

  You remained quiet, frustrated by the fact that you couldn't recall these keys.  He had definitely told you about this before, you were certain of it.  'Damn, now he'll make me study for another hour...'

  Seeing that you were having trouble, he refreshed your memory.  "Well, there are other worlds, as I've told ya before.  And ya know all there is to know 'bout Kingdom Hearts.  Hidden in those worlds are six keys.  When all six keys are pointed at Kingdom Hearts a keychain will be formed.  This keychain must be attached to the weapon of the Princess of Darkness.  When this is done, the light of Kingdom Hearts will draw out the darkness of her heart.  The reaction of the darkness and light will be so immense that it will destroy Xemnas and all the other villains who have tried or are tryin' to use Kingdom Hearts for bad deeds, like Maleficent!  

  'Ah, now I remember,' you thought, as he went on about other enemies.  'This stuff just gets so crazy sometimes...I mean, the keys cause Kingdom Hearts to make a keychain, that's attached to a Princess's weapon, who's heart's darkness will react with light and kill all the bad guys?  Who comes up with this stuff...'  You suddenly caught up with what he was saying when he pointed at you with a bright smile.

  "I need you to help two good friends of mine, Sora and Riku, to find the keys and accomplish this task."

  'Come again?'

  "Wait, wait," you interrupted.  "Why do I have to help these two?  Isn't there anyone else who can do this?"  You knew this sounded selfish, but you liked your life now.  You didn't want anything to change.

  King Mickey looked you in the eye.  "No, Maryx, there is no one else who can do this."  He paused for a moment before saying, "because you are the Princess of Darkness."

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